Building: | Visualization and Simulation Building, Room 6214D |
Department: | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering |
Degrees: | B.Eng (McMaster), M.Eng (University of Toronto), PhD (Carleton), P.Eng |
Prior to joining Carleton University as a faculty member in August 2017, Dr. Khouli spent over seven years as the Dynamics and Aeroservoelasticity Engineer for the new Global 7500 business jet at Bombardier Aerospace. The role was multidisciplinary and highly technical with analytical and experimental dimensions. His doctoral research focused on modelling and experimental validation of active rotor systems of maritime helicopters engaging/disengaging from ship decks in various sea states.
Research Interests:
- Aeroservoelasticity and Fly-By-Wire Systems
- Bio-inspired Electromechanical Systems
- Applied Dynamics, Control and Smart Structures
- Helicopter Flight Dynamics
- Structural Dynamics and Stability
The Aeroservoelasticity and Fly-By-Wire research aims to help the Canadian Aerospace Industry introduce new sensor and actuator architectures that will reduce costs and weight while providing additional sensor readings that can be utilized to enhance system performance and ride qualities. Additionally, developing new tools and methodologies that can better predict the interactions between the aeroelastic model, the control laws and the fly-by-wire system, which define the corresponding overall system response, will lead to the design of control laws that will better handle flexible structures, improve ride quality and reduce instabilities.
Research in applied dynamics and control focuses on modelling, simulation and control of Multiphysics dynamical systems involving smart materials. Target application fields are maritime and aerospace engineering. Currently, the emphasis is on nonlinear modelling of aircraft dynamic landing employing novel shock absorbers.
The theme of the bio-inspired electromechanical systems focuses on Bio-inspired Micro Air Vehicles (BMAVs). The research has analytical and experimental aspects. The analytical aspect focuses on developing multiphysics models of tailless flapping wing BMAVs, which are used to develop control laws and ultralightweight compliant flapping wing mechanisms driven by smart actuation. The experimental aspect focuses on designing and manufacturing an optimized operational prototype. This is a collaborative research effort with faculty members in the Departments of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Electronics and Biology.
Graduate & Postdoctoral Research Opportunities
Qualified graduate students with research interests in one of the topics listed above are sought. In particular, qualified students with interest in the topics of nonlinear modelling of aircraft dynamic landing and fly-by-wire systems are encouraged to apply.
You will get the opportunity to work on research topics that are of interest to the industry while conducting cutting-edge research. While strong international candidates that meet the university admission requirements are encouraged to apply, priority is given to domestic students. Also, interested undergraduate and directed-study students are encouraged to contact me. Please include your CV in your initial email contact.
Selected Publications
- Stachiw, F. Khouli, R. G. Langlois, F. F. Afagh, J. Ricciardi, “A Computationally Low-Cost Method for Capturing Airframe Flexibility Effects in Landing Dynamic Simulations”, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 16, Issue 4, April 2021.
- Khouli, F. F. Afagh, and R. G. Langlois,“Design, Simulation, and Experimental Results for Highly Flexible Rotors in a Ship Airwake”, AIAA – Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 53, Issue 1, January 2016, pp. 262-275.
- Khouli, A. S. Wall, F. F. Afagh, and R. G. Langlois,“Influence of Ship Motion on the Aeroelastic Response of a Froude-scaled Maritime Rotor System”, Journal of Ocean Engineering, Vol. 54, , November 2012, pp. 170-181.
- Khouli, J. Griffiths, F. F. Afagh, and R. G”. Langlois,“Actuation of Slender Thin-Wall Anisotropic Open Cross-Section Beams Based on Asymptotically-Correct Vlasov Theory, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 21, No. 5, 2010, pp. 529-540.
- Khouli, F. F. Afagh, and R. G. Langlois,“Application of the first order generalized-alpha method to the solution of an intrinsic geometrically exact model of rotor systems”, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamic, Vol. 4, Issue. 1, 2009
- Khouli, R. G. Langlois, and F. F. Afagh,“Analysis of active closed cross-section slender beams based on asymptotically correct thin-wall beam theory”, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 16, 2007, pp. 221-229.