Financial and Communications Assistant (On Leave)
Maia Bahubeshi Gill
Administrative Assistant
Noreen Chalmers
Departmental Administrator
Irene Helder
Graduate Administrator (Acting)
Mackenzie Johnston
Graduate Administrator: Sustainable Energy
Christine May
Graduate Administrator (On Leave)
Janet Perras
Supervisor of Computer Operations
Neil McFadyen
Computer Networks, Robotics, and Controls Technologist (On Leave)
Shadi Laham
Laboratory Technologist
Jason Anstey
Mechatronics Technologist
James Cann
Manufacturing Laboratory Technologist
Rob Fatoric
Salman Shafi
Supervisor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Laboratories
Steve Truttmann
Stephen Vickers
Supervisor, Manufacturing and Design
Stephan Biljan
Machine Shop and Lab Co-op Student
Gabriel Lamont
Machine Shop Technologist
David Raude
Kevin Sangster
Machine Shop Technician
Eamonn Tuck
Tao Zhang