Building: | Canal Building, Room 4311 |
Department: | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering |
Degrees: | B.Eng (Carleton 2003), Ph.D (Carleton 2011) |
ECOR 1047 (Visual Communications)
ECOR 1048 (Dynamics)
AERO 3101 (Lightweight Structures)
AERO 4306 (Aerospace Vehicle Performance)
MECH 4604 (Finite Element Methods)
AERO 4907O (Bio-inspired Environmentally-Friendly Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
Dr. Derek I. Gransden returned to the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in the Summer of 2022 as an Instructor. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree and Ph.D. at Carleton University, in which he specialised in the vibration and control of parallel chain kinematics with coupled rigid and elastic bodies. Dr. Gransden was accepted as a post-doctorate researcher for the Technical University of Delft.
In 2014, at TU Delft, he completed his computational model of a composite aircraft low-speed crash, with focus on the damage of the composite, to investigate the safety of composite aircraft in pool-fire crashes as part of the AircraftFire project led by Airbus. As an assistant professor, Dr. Gransden studied the impact of open-rotor systems on the fuselage of the next generation of fixed-wing aircraft, the impact of small remotely piloted aerial systems (commonly known as UAVs) on the human head, and the hypervelocity impact of micrometeorite and orbital debris on spacecraft.
Dr. Gransden earned a teaching qualification at TU Delft, where he began his career of teaching, and continued teaching at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, and at Carleton University. Nominated for teacher-of-the-year, teaching has become the main passion of Dr. Gransden. His teaching focus is on mechanics of solid materials, particularly with dynamics and finite element structures. He incorporates novel pedagogical methodologies into his classrooms, and has taken many courses to improve the student experience.
Rattanagraikanakorn, B., Blom, H. A., Gransden, D. I., et al. Variation in Human Injury and Fatality from Impacts by Different UAS Types. Journal of Accident Analysis and Prevention. Submitted Feb. 2021. |
Rattanagraikanakorn, B., Schuurman, M., Gransden, D. I., et al. Modelling Head Injury due to Unmanned Aircraft Systems Collision: Crash Dummy vs Human Body. International Journal of Crashworthiness. 2020. pp. 1–14. DOI: 10.1080/13588265.2020.1807687. |
Rattanagraikanakorn, B., Gransden, D. I., et al. “Multibody system modelling of unmanned aircraft system collisions with the human head”. International Journal of Crashworthiness. Jul. 2019. DOI: 10.1080/13588265.2019.1633818. |
Gransden, D. I. and Alderliesten, R. “Development of a Finite Element Model for Comparing Metal and Composite Fuselage Section Drop Testing”. International Journal of Crashworthiness. Jan. 2017. |
Gransden, D. I., Bornemann, P. B., Rose, M., and Nitzsche, F. “Constrained Generalised-alpha Method for Coupling Rigid Parallel Chain Kinematics and Elastic Bodies”. Computational Mechanics. Jan. 2015. |
Rattanagraikanakorn, B., et al. Modeling and Simulating Human Fatality due to Quadrotor UAS Impact, AIAA AVIATION 2020 FORUM, 2020. DOI: 10.2514/6.2020-2902. |
Rattanagraikanakorn, B., et al. Modelling Head Injury due to Unmanned Aircraft Systems Collision: Crash Dummy vs Human Body. AIAA Aviation Forum. June 2019. DOI: 10.2514/6.2019-2835. |
Mooij, E., and Gransden, D. I. The Effect of Sloshing on the Controllability of a Conventional Aeroelastic Launch Vehicle AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum. Jan. 2019. DOI: 10.2514/6.2019-0116. |
Singh, S., Mooij, E., and Gransden, D. I. Multibody Approach to the Controlled Removal of Large Space Debris with Flexible Appendages, AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum. Jan. 2019. DOI: 10.2514/6.2019-1916. |
Rattanagraikanakorn, B., et al, Characterizing UAS Collision Consequences in Future UTM. 2018 Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference. June 2018. DOI: 10.2514/6.2018-3031. |
Gransden, D. I. and Mooij, E. Control Recovery of a Satellite with Large Flexible Appendages after Impact with Space Debris. Science and Technology Forum Exposition. Jan. 2018. |
Mooij, E. and Gransden, D. I. Model Verification of a Satellite with Large Flexible Appendages for Control System Design. AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Conference. Jan. 2018. |
Verheijen, B., Gransden, D. I., Bergsma, O. K., Riedel, W., Lässig, T., Long, N., van der Werff, H., Heisserer, U. Feasibility study on Dyneema®-based spacecraft impact shielding. 9th International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety Conference. Oct. 2017. |
Gransden, D. I. and Mooij, E. Quasi-Static Flight Performance of a Conventional Aeroelastic Launch Vehicle. 68th International Astronautical Congress. Sep. 2017. |
Schuurman, M., and Gransden, D. I. Sky Lantern Safety Flight Profile for Risk Assessment. AIAA Balloon Systems Conference. June 2017. |
Gransden, D. I. and Mooij, E. Simple Adaptive Control of a Satellite with Large Flexible Appendages. 67th International Astronautical Congress. Sep. 2016. |
Mooij, E. and Gransden, D. I. The Impact of Aeroelastic Effects on the Controllability of Conventional Launch Vehicles. 67th International Astronautical Congress. Sep. 2016. |
Gransden, D. I. Design of a lightweight open-rotor impact shield. International Aerospace Engineering Conference. Aug. 2015. |
Gransden, D. I. and Alderliesten, R. Development of an FEM Model for Comparing Metal and Composite Fuselage Section Drop Testing. International Crashworthiness Conference. Sep. 2014. |
Gransden, D. I. Aircraft Fires and Passenger Safety. Leonardo Times. Mar. 2012. |
Lynch, B., et al. Development of a Smart Rotorcraft Blade for noise and vibration attenuation. Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI) AERO 2007 Conference. Apr. 2007. |
Gransden, D., Ghorashi, M., Langlois, R., Nitzsche, F. Development of nonlinear elastic bending and torsion of articulated rotor blades with an impedance control device replacing the common pitch link. 31st European Rotorcraft Forum. 2005. |
Mooij, E., Re-entry Systems. (In progress.) 2023.
Chambers, P. Introduction to Engineering. Oxford University Press. 2021.
Hibbeler, R. C. Learning Catalytics. Pearson Publishing. 2016.
Hibbeler, R. C. Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, 14th SI ed. Pearson Publishing. 2016.