Building: | Canal Building, Room 6207 |
Department: | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering |
Degrees: | B. & M. Eng., Northeastern University, China M. Eng., University of Wollongong, Australia Ph.D., Deakin University, Australia |
Research and Publication
Research Programs
Dr. R. Liu has established strong research collaboration with National Research Council Canada (NRC), Kennametal Stellite Inc. and Velan Inc. The main funding resources are NSERC (DG, CRD, RTI), Kennametal Stellite Inc. (in-kind and cash contributions), Velan Inc. (in-kind and cash contributions), GH Power (in-kind and cash contributions)
· Atomistic and microstructural computational fatigue design for high-temperature alloys
· Mechanical-alloying-assisted syntheses of cobalt-containing multi-component systems and MAX phases
· Development and high-temperature performance evaluation of advanced superalloys for different industrial applications
· Investigation of long-time aging influence and creep resistance of nickel-based alloys with superalloy hardfacing
· Computational fatigue life and scattering prediction of polycrystalline alloys considering microstructural inhomogeneity
· Microstructure characterization and performance evaluation of cobalt-containing high-entropy alloys fabricated via mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering
· Performance characterization of candidate materials for hydrogen reactor channel and auger screw of green power plants
Research Contributions and Practical Applications (in last six years)
Graduate student co-author bold, research fellow co-author underlined.
(1) Articles in Refereed Publications:
1. X.J. Wu, R. Liu, F. Khelfaoui, Creep phenomena, mechanisms and modeling, Modelling, 2024 (under review).
2. S.Q. Li, X.Y. Wu, R. Liu, X.J. Wu, M.X. Yao, Microstructural studies of Stellite 21 alloy via additive manufacturing in comparison with conventional manufacturing processes, Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, 2024 (under review).
3. X.Z. Zhang, R. Liu, X.Y. Wu, S.Q. Li, X.J. Wu, F. Khelfaoui, Microstructural studies of Stellite 6 hardfacing deposited on nickel-based superalloys subjected to long-time aging, Welding in the World, 2024 (under review).
4. X.J. Wu, R. Liu, X.Y. Wu, S.Q. Li, F. Khelfaoui, Assessment of creep properties of Haynes 282 weld using deformation-mechanism-based true stress model, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2024 (accepted for publication).
5. Y.P. Ding, R. Liu, X.Z. Zhang, X.J. Wu, F. Khelfaoui, Effects of long-time thermal exposure on microstructure evolution in T-400C hardfacing deposited on Haynes 282 via plasma transferred arc welding, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2024 (accepted for publication).
6. X.J. Wu, R. Liu, X.Z. Zhang, X.Y. Wu, F. Khelfaoui, Creep performance study of Inconel 740H weldment based on microstructural deformation mechanisms, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 2024 (published on-line).
7. X.Y. Wu, R. Liu, X.Z. Zhang, M.X. Yao, Microstructure and wear performance of high-entropy Tribaloy alloys, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2023 (On-line available).
8. X.Z. Zhang, R. Liu, X.Y. Wu, X.J. Wu, F. Khelfaoui, Microstructure and hardness investigation of Tribaloy alloy T-400C hardfacing deposited on nickel-based alloy Inconel 740H via plasma transferred arc welding subjected to long-time aging, Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, 13, 2024, 145-173.
9. X.Y. Wu, R. Liu, X.Z. Zhang, M.X. Yao, Influence of tungsten content on microstructural evolution of cobalt-containing high-entropy alloy via mechanical alloying, Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, 12, 2023, 760-778.
10. G.L. Yang, H.J. Li, Z.S. Li, Z.H. Zhu, R. Liu, Q.L. Zhang, Y.F. Liu, J.H. Yao, Support design of overhanging structure for laser powder bed fusion, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 24, 2023, 8693-8702.
11. H.J. Li, G.L. Yang, S.J. Lu, Q. Zhou, L.S. Fan, R. Liu, J.H. Yao, P.J. Tong, Effects of unit cell topology on the mechanical properties of porous tantalum structures via laser powder bed fusion, Advanced Engineering Materials, 25(9), 2022, 2201431.
12. G.L. Yang, H.J. Li, Z.S. Li, Z.H. Zhu, R. Liu, Q.L. Zhang, Y.F. Liu, J.H. Yao, Support design of overhanging structure for laser powder bed fusion, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 24, 2023, 8693-8702.
13. Y. Hu, L. Wang, Z.J. Chen, Q.L. Zhang, R. Liu, J.H. Yao, Effects of electromagnetic compound field on the dendrite growth of laser cladding, Surface and Coatings Technology, 453, 2023, 129118.
14. G.L. Wu, L. Li, M. Sun, Y. Wang, F. Luo, Q.L. Zhang, R. Liu, Z.J. Chen, J.H. Yao, Microstructural evolution and biological properties of PEO coating on SLM-prepared NiTi alloy, Surface and Coatings Technology, 452, 2023, 129065.
15. C.Y. Lu, P. Wang, S.L. Zheng, X.J. Wu, R. Liu, Y.M. He, J.G. Yang, Z.L. Gao, S.T. Tu, Creep behavior and life prediction of a reactor pressure vessel steel above phase-transformation temperature via a deformation mechanism-based creep model, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 46(9), 2023, 3342-3359.
16. S.Q. Li, Z. Zhang, R. Liu, X.J. Wu, Microstructure-based computational fatigue life prediction of Haynes 282 alloy, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 32(11), 2023, 5150-5166.
17. Y.P. Ding, X.J. Wu, R. Liu, X.Z. Zhang, F. Khelfaoui, Creep performance characterization for Haynes 282 using the deformation-mechanism-based true stress model, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 37, 2023, 101603 (1-19).
18. Y.D. Cheng, R. Liu, Z. Zhang, X.Z. Zhang, Residual stress investigation of ceramic-shot-peened flange pin with finite element analysis, International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 2022 (DOI:10.1142/s1793962323500162).
19. S.Q. Li, X.J. Wu, R. Liu, Z. Zhang, Full-range fatigue life prediction of metallic materials using Tanaka-Mura-Wu model, SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, 15(2), 2022, 1-21.
20. X.Y. Wu, R. Liu, X.Z. Zhang, M.X. Yao, Microstructure and performance characterization of a novel cobalt high-entropy alloy, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 52, 2021, 4066-4089.
21. Y.P. Ding, R. Liu, X.Z. Zhang, M.X. Yao, Z.H. Yao, J.H. Yao, Study of carbide precipitation in two cobalt-based alloys with distinct chromium and tungsten contents, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 30(8), 2021, 5962-5973.
22. S.K. Essa, K.Y. Chen, R. Liu, M.X. Yao, Failure mechanisms of APS-YSZ-CoNiCrAlY thermal barrier coating under isothermal oxidation and solid particle erosion, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 30, 2021, 424-441.
23. P.F. Yao, S.Q. Li, R. Liu, Performance characterization of modified ASTM F75 alloy for hip implant application, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B, 10(5-6), 2020, 85-105.
24. Y.P. Ding, R. Liu, L. Wang, J.H. Li, J.H. Yao, Corrosion and wear performance of Stellite alloy hardfacing prepared via laser cladding, Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 56(2), 2020, 392-404.
25. J.H. Yao, Y.P. Ding, R. Liu, L. Wang, Q.L. Zhang, J.J. Sheng, C.G. Xue, Effects of surface treatment on the cavitation erosion-corrosion performance of 17-4PH stainless steel in sodium chloride solution, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 29(4), 2020, 2687-2696.
26. Y. Hu, L. Wang, J.H. Yao, H.C. Xia, J.H. Li, R. Liu, Effects of electromagnetic compound field on the escape behavior of pores in molten pool during laser cladding, Surface and Coatings Technology, 383, 2020, 125198.
27. X.J. Wu, X.Z. Zhang, R. Liu, M.X. Yao, Creep performance modeling of modified 9Cr-1Mo steels with oxidation, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 51(3), 2020, 1134-1147.
28. R. Collier, X.Z. Zhang, R. Liu, X.J. Wu, M.X. Yao, Tribological performance of molybdenum Stellite alloys under dry-sliding wear, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 29(2), 2020, 1384-1399.
29. K. Kamal, Y.P. Ding, R. Liu, J.H. Yao, M.X. Yao, Corrosion performance of 700 series Stellite alloys in various media, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 28(9), 2019, 5605-5615.
30. G.L. Wu, F.C. Ren, J. Zhang, Q.L. Zhang, R. Liu, J.H. Yao, Microstructure characteristics and performance of a novel composite Stellite alloy fabricated by laser cladding, Laser in Engineering, 42(4-6), 2019, 303-321.
31. C.Y. Lu, X.J. Wu, Y.M. He, Z.L. Gao, R. Liu, Z. Chen, W.J. Zheng, J.G. Yang, Deformation mechanism-based true-stress creep model for SA508Gr3 steel over the temperature range of 450-750°C, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 526, 2019, 151776.
32. Z.L. Gao, C.Y. Lu, Y.M. He, R. Liu, H.M. He, W.Z. Wang, W.J. Zheng, J.G. Yang, Study of the phase transition influence on the creep deformation mechanism of SA508Gr3 steel for nuclear reactor pressure vessels, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 519, 2019, 292-301.
33. Y. Li, R. Liu, G. McRae, M.X. Yao, Corrosion performance of valve seat hardfacing materials in amine environment of boiler feed water service, Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 55(2), 2019, 377-388.
34. X.Z. Zhang, X.J. Wu, R. Liu, M.X. Yao, Effects of oxidation-resistant coating on creep behavior of modified 9Cr-1Mo steels, Materials Science & Engineering A, 743, 2019, 418-424.
35. S.K. Essa, R. Liu, M.X. Yao, Temperature and exposure time dependent interfacial fracture toughness model for thermal barrier coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, 358, 2019, 505-510.
36. J.H. Yao, Y.P. Ding, R. Liu, Q.L. Zhang, L. Wang, Wear and corrosion performance of laser-clad low-carbon high molybdenum Stellite alloys, Optics and Laser Technology, 107, 2018, 32-45.
37. J.H. Yao, J. Zhang, G.L. Wu, L. Wang, Q.L. Zhang, R. Liu, Microstructure and wear resistance of laser cladded composite coatings prepared from pre-alloyed WC-NiCrMo powder with different laser spots, Optics and Laser Technology, 101, 2018, 520-530.
38. B.J. Xiao, A. Ibrahim, X. Huang, R. Liu, Application and anti-bacterial behavior evaluation of advanced liquid glass coating, International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering, 56(4), 2018, 326-340.
(2) Articles in Conference Proceedings:
- Y.P. Ding, R. Liu, X.J. Wu, X.Z. Zhang, Creep life prediction of Haynes 282 alloy based on microstructural deformation mechanisms, The Proceedings of 293rd International Conference on Science, Engineering & Technology ( ICSET), Toronto, Canada, 2024.
- R. Liu, P.S. Hu, Investigation of corrosion behavior of Stellite alloys for hip implants using electrochemical tests, The Proceedings of International Conference on Electrochemistry, Material Science and Engineering ( ICEMSE), Toronto, Canada, 2024.
- R. Liu, S.K. Essa, Modeling study of interface fracture toughness of thermal barrier coating at high temperature, The Proceedings of The Tenth International Symposium on Functional Coatings and Surface Engineering, FCSE, Montreal, Canada, 2024.
- X.Y. Wu, R. Liu, M.X. Yao, Cobalt-containing high-entropy alloys synthesized with mechanically alloyed powders for mechanical parts against wear failure, The Proceedings of The Tenth International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis, Athens, Greece, 2024.
- S.Q. Li, Z. Zhang, R. Liu, X.J. Wu, Advanced computational fatigue life prediction of Haynes 282 alloy with consideration of microstructure inhomogeneity, The Proceedings of The Tenth International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis, Athens, Greece, 2024.
- R. Liu, S.K. Essa, Failure mechanisms of thermal barrier coating under isothermal oxidation, The Proceedings of The Tenth International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis, Athens, Greece, 2024.
- X.Y. Wu, S.Q. Li, R. Liu, Microstructure evolution of cobalt-containing high-entropy alloy with varying tungsten content, The Proceedings of High Entropy Alloy (HEA) Canada Workshop, Toronto, Canada, 2023.
- S.Q. Li, R. Liu, X.J. Wu, Z. Zhang, Fatigue life prediction of metallic materials using the Tanaka‑Mura-Wu model, The Proceedings of The 38th International Conference on Aeronautical Fatigue and Structural Integrity (ICAF), Delft, The Netherlands, 2023.
- X.J. Wu, S.Q. Li, Z. Zhang, R. Liu, Microstructure-based computational fatigue life prediction of polycrystalline alloys, The Proceedings of The 38th International Conference on Aeronautical Fatigue and Structural Integrity (ICAF), Delft, The Netherlands, 2023.
- S.Q. Li, Z. Zhang, R. Liu, X.J. Wu, Computational fatigue design of Haynes 282 alloy based on microstructural deformation mechanism, The Proceedings of The 33rdCanadian Materials Science Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2022.
- X.Y. Wu, R. Liu, X.Z. Zhang, M.X. Yao, Development of a novel cobalt high-entropy alloy for wear/corrosion resistance, The Proceedings of The 33rdCanadian Materials Science Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2022.
- X.Y. Wu, R. Liu, X.Z. Zhang, M.X. Yao, Microstructure and corrosion performance studies of a novel cobalt high entropy alloy, The Proceedings of CORROSION, NACE International Virtual Conference & Expo, on-line, 2021.
- S.Q. Li, Z. Zhang, R. Liu, X.J. Wu, A computational microstructural fatigue model for crack nucleation, The Proceedings of International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials XIII, Boston, USA, 2020.
- R. Liu, X.J. Wu, M.X. Yao, Effects of increased tungsten and molybdenum contents in Stellite alloys on wear and erosion resistance, The Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Innovative Engineering Materials (ICIEM), Moscow, Russia, 2020.
- X.J. Wu, Z. Zhang, R. Liu, Simulation of fatigue crack nucleation and growth in a polycrystalline material using 3D crystal plasticity and franc3D, The Proceedings of The 26th International Conference on Plasticity, Damage & Fracture (ICPDF), Rivera Maya, Mexico, 2020.
- R. Liu, Y.P. Ding, K. Kamal, Advanced superalloys with high performance for severe operation environment applications, The Proceedings of International Conference on Innovative Practices in Management, Engineering & Social Sciences (IPMESS 2019), Singapore, 2019.
- R. Liu, Y. Li, G. McRae, Electrochemical investigation of Stellite 6 alloy in morpholine corrosive environment, The Proceedings of 6th Asia Conference on Mechanical and Materials Engineering (ACMME), Seoul, Korea South, 2018.
- Y. Li, R. Liu, G. McRae, M.X. Yao, Corrosion performance of Stellite 6 alloy and 17-4PH stainless steel in amine solutions, The Proceedings of 4th World Congress on Materials Science & Engineering (Materials Science Congress), London, UK, 2018.
- X.J. Wu, X.Z. Zhang, R. Liu, M.X. Yao, Failure mode and lifetime prediction for Larson-Miller parameter method, The Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis, Budapest, Hungary, 2018.
Last Modified: April 2024
X.Z. Zhang, R. Liu, X.Y. Wu, X.J. Wu, F. Khelfaoui, Microstructure and hardness investigation of Tribaloy alloy T-400C hardfacing deposited on nickel-based alloy Inconel 740H via plasma transferred arc welding subjected to long-time aging, Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, 13, 2024, 145-173.
X.Y. Wu, R. Liu, X.Z. Zhang, M.X. Yao, Influence of tungsten content on microstructural evolution of cobalt-containing high‑entropy alloy via mechanical alloying, Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, 12, 2023, 760-778.
S.Q. Li, Z. Zhang, R. Liu, X.J. Wu, Microstructure-based computational fatigue life prediction of Haynes 282 alloy, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 32(11), 2023, 5150-5166.
Y.P. Ding, X.J. Wu, R. Liu, X.Z. Zhang, F. Khelfaoui, Creep performance characterization for Haynes 282 using the deformation-mechanism-based true stress model, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 37, 2023, 101603 (1-19).
S.Q. Li, X.J. Wu, R. Liu, Z. Zhang, Full-range fatigue life prediction of metallic materials using Tanaka‑Mura-Wu model, SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, 15(2), 2022, 1-21.