Instructor Janet Mantler
Term Winter 2016
Email Address
Office Location Loeb A531
Office Hours TBA

Course Description/Instructors Statement

Does the question “What are you doing to do after graduation” make you cringe? Confused by all of the choices and wondering how to make decisions on what to do after you get your degree? Wondering what jobs are available to people with a BA or BSc in Psychology and how to find them?

Leaving university and entering the workforce after graduation can be an exciting but also frightening journey. In this course we will explore personal and professional transitions including assessing your personal values and work styles and introduce you to some of the complex and dynamic aspects of the current work world including uncertainty and career changes. There will be a balance of the academic (e.g., understanding career theories) and the practical (e.g., using career development assessment tools in your own self-assessment).

The in-class component will involve lectures, guest speakers, group work, and discussion. You will be expected to actively participate in class.


Some short written assignments throughout the term, development an e-portfolio, a low-stakes presentation to the class (to help develop your self-presentation skills), and class participation. There will be no exams.


To be determined. There may be a textbook assigned.