2020-21 Faculty Graduate Mentoring Awards

On March 17, 2021, seven faculty members were presented with a Faculty Graduate Mentoring Award. Sponsored by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs and the Office of the Vice-President (Research and International), these awards recognize faculty who render exceptional service to graduate students as supervisors and research mentors. The effect of such faculty on the careers of students is frequently transformational.

Congratulations to Dr. Shelley Brown for receiving a Faculty Graduate Mentor Award! Below are some quotes taken from her nominators’ letters:Shelley Brown

  • Shelley was a fantastic mentor who provided me with guidance when I needed it, freedom to be creative where appropriate, and constructive feedback that enabled me to produce the best research I possibly could.
  • Shelley taught me the importance of forming good relationships with those you work with, how kindness, compassion, and authenticity are integral traits to good mentoring relationships, and how important it is to be fair but firm, while also making your expectations clear.…I have no doubt that I would not be where I am today had Shelley not been my mentor and supervisor during my time at Carleton.
  • She allowed students to apply statistical techniques to their own datasets and even took the time to produce a series of step-by-step “How to Guides” for each of the methods. I’m sure many of her former students draw upon these guides to this day.
  • Students seem to find statistics courses much more stressful than other courses, so the students undoubtedly appreciated Shelley’s encouragement, patience, and efforts to make the course clear and fair.
  • Shelley always meets me with understanding, compassion, and respect; always encouraging me to take care of myself while masterfully balancing this self-care with appropriate encouragement and “pressure” so that I am still able to deliver on important deadlines.