I am a 4th-year undergraduate student in the Honours Neuroscience and Mental Health Program at Carleton University. Over the summer, Dr. Hellemans (the Dept. Chair) and I developed an online survey to quantify and analyze the mental health and stigmatization of individuals who do not drink alcohol in Canadian universities.

It is an anonymous survey that has been ethics approved (CUREB-B Clearance #114547) and requires approximately 45 to 60 min to complete. Individuals who complete the survey will also be entered to win a pair of Apple Airpods as compensation. Furthermore, the only requirements for participation are that they are currently an undergraduate student at a Canadian university. All the recruitment information is included in our promotional advertisement that I have attached.

Here is the link: https://cuhealth.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6ik5ptnroP4B1UF

To increase our number and the diversity of our participants, I wondered if you would send out our survey to the undergraduate students in the Computer Science department?

Let me know what you think and thank you for your help.

Tanisse Teale (she/her)
President of Stigma Ends at CU
4th Year BSc. Honours Neuroscience and Mental Health
Carleton University