You’re invited to participate in an experiment aims to explore how algorithms evaluate performance compared to humans. The experiment involves a 30-minute escape room task that will take place in one of the Carleton’s library study rooms. The escape room will not include any strenuous activities. You will be asked to fill out a short questionnaire before and after the experiment. You will be randomly assigned to either a human or algorithm group. A webcam will be used to monitor and evaluate your performance as well as for safety issues. There will be no video recording. To participate in this study, you must:

– Be a Carleton University student
– Be at least 18 years of age
– Be able to communicate in English as a token of appreciation

We will be providing you with refreshments during the experiment along with $5.00 in cash. Based on your performance in the escape room, you can also earn up to $10.00 in cash. You will have the right to end your participation in the study at any time, for any reason, up until 10 days after participation. If you choose to withdraw, all the information you have provided will be destroyed. Interested individuals or those with questions can contact the lead researcher at:

Event Poster: Poster (pdf)