Senate met on October 18, here are the highlights:

Senate Approves the Graduation of 1,365 Students

Senate congratulates the 1,365 students who completed all requirements towards graduation and will be eligible to attend Fall convocation on Nov. 9.

Convocation Dates Approved

That Senate approved the following Convocation dates for 2021-2025:

Fall Convocation:

  • 2021 – November 13
  • 2022 – November 12
  • 2023 – November 4
  • 2024 – November 9
  • 2025 – November 8
Spring Convocation:

  • 2021 – June 7 – 11
  • 2022 – June 6 – 10
  • 2023 – June 12 – 16
  • 2024 – June 10 – 14
  • 2025 – June 9 – 13

Membership Ratifications

Senate ratified the appointment of Barry Wright as the elected member of Senate from the Faculty of Public Affairs, with effect from Oct. 18, 2019, for a three-year term. In addition, student committee membership was approved.

Senate Participates in SIP Consultation

Senate participated in an interactive consultation session about the development of Carleton’s next Strategic Integrated Plan, which included a productive conversation about Carleton’s strengths and vision for the future.

SMA3 Update

President Bacon and Deputy Provost Lorraine Dyke provided an update on the third Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA3) process which is occurring in parallel with the Strategic Integrated Plan process. Bilateral conversations with the provincial government will begin in early November and will center on 10 metrics selected by the province. The process is expected to be concluded by the end of March 2020.

Chair’s Remarks

President Bacon provide an update on recent activities and highlights, including the Ontario University Fair, the Launch of the Marc Andrew Hewson Memorial Scholarship, Psychology Mental Health Day, Biology’s Butterfly Show, the Faculty of Public Affairs’ Election Primer event with diplomats from over 80 countries, as well as Carleton’s strong showing in the 2020 MacLean’s rankings. He then spoke to the importance of Convocation and thanked Senators who have signed up to participate in the academic processions in the upcoming ceremonies on Nov. 9.

Senator Spotlight: Morgan Rooney

Senate is composed of over 80 members representing the Carleton community like Morgan Rooney who is a part-time instructor with Department of English as well as an educational developer at the EDC. Learn more about Morgan.

Next Meeting: November 29

The next Senate meeting is November 29, 2019. Click here to view the full schedule and meeting materials.  Meeting minutes are posted once they are approved at the subsequent meeting.