Senate met on January 27, 2023.  Here are the highlights:

Three New Graduate Programs Approved

Senate approved three new graduate programs, as presented, for Fall 2023:

  • Master of Arts in Human Rights and Social Justice
  • Master of Arts, Teaching English as an Additional Language
  • Master of Finance

New Undergraduate Awards

18 new undergraduate awards as well as changes to two existing awards were presented for information at Senate. View the list of the awards and changes.

New Grad Curriculum Approval Process Consultation

As Carleton has grown as an institution, the number of graduate programs and graduate students enrolled has significantly increased. As a result, the Faculty of Graduate and Post-Doctoral Affairs (FGPA) has engaged in a consultation process aimed at reforming the governance of the graduate curriculum to make it more effective.

These discussions have so far included the Provost, the Vice Provost, all Faculty Deans, and their respective Faculty Boards as well as various external sources. The revised process, which was received positively by Senate, aims at making Carleton’s Faculty Boards more central in the graduate curriculum approval process. A fulsome report highlighting the full details of the proposed changes will be presented to Senate and will require approval of the Senate and Board of Governors before implementation.

Campus Master Plan Consultation

Senate received a presentation from Vice-Presidents (Finance and Administration) Lorraine Dyke and consulting firm Brook McIlroy on Carleton’s draft Campus Master Plan. The draft plan, which supports Carleton’s Strategic Integrated Plan, is still available to the full Carleton community for comments and input here until February 3, 2023. The planned timeline is aiming for approval of the plan at the Board of Governors in April 2023.

Quality Assurance & Cyclical Reviews

Senate approved the Final Assessment Reports and Executive Summaries arising from the Cyclical Reviews of the undergraduate programs in Physics and Biomedical and Electrical Engineering; Communication Engineering, Computer Systems Engineering and Software Engineering.

Undergraduate and Graduate Major Modifications

Senate approved 15 undergraduate and graduate major modifications, including:

  • introduction of the collaborative specialization in Data Science to the MA in Sociology
  • introduction of the BA and BAHons in Indigenous Studies and the major modifications to the BA Combined Honours program in Indigenous Studies
  • the introduction of the Stream in Investments and the Stream in Corporate Finance

Senator Spotlight:

Jacob Kovalio is an Associate Professor of Modern Japan, diplomatic and political; Japanese and Asian nationalism/racism/anti-Semitism; Japan, East Asia and Islam in modern times in Carleton University’s Department of History. His research interests include Japanese diplomatic history, foreign policy, political culture, nationalism and antisemitism, Chinese hegemonism, international relations in the Indo-Pacific area in the 21st century, and Pan-Asianism and Asian international relations. Learn more about Jacob.

Next Meeting: February 24, 2023

The next Senate meeting is scheduled for February 24 at 2 PM. The full meeting schedule, associated meeting materials and minutes are available on the Senate website.  Meeting minutes are posted once they are approved at the subsequent meeting.