1. What are Education Sessions?
  2. Conference Themes
    1. Serve Though Skill
    2. Opportunity Exploration
    3. Authentic Leadership
    4. Reflect & Re-Energize
  3. Facilitation Styles
    1. Collaborative Conversations
    2. Experiential Learning
  4. Apply to Present an Education Session

What are Education Sessions?

SOAR offers a variety of workshops and presentations to delegates aimed at all student leaders regardless of previous experience. Education Sessions are offered in 3 time slots throughout the day, and 8 sessions run simultaneously for each time slot.

Past conferences have included a wide range of workshops:

  • Leading with Confidence: Breaking Free from Imposter Syndrome
  • Navigating Humanitarian Leadership
  • Be an Irreplaceable Leader: Casting a Vision for your Personal Leadership Style
  • How to Have Difficult Conversations
  • What Leaders Can Do to Accommodate Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals
  • How Coaching Models Are Changing Organizational Cultures

We encourage presenters to be creative in their approach to creating education sessions – any topic can be relevant to leadership.

Conference Themes

SOAR has 4 themes presenters can choose from to focus on during their education session.

Serve Though Skill

Student Leaders will focus on personal growth and engage in practical skill development.

View example proposal here

Opportunity Exploration

Student leaders will discover new opportunities, challenge themselves, and discuss their potential.

View example proposal here

Authentic Leadership

Student Leaders will explore how to be an authentic leader, and develop an understanding of their personal philosophy of leadership.

View example proposal here

Reflect & Re-Energize

Student Leaders will reflect on their leadership experiences, and feel re-energized as a leader in the Carleton community.

View example proposal here

Facilitation Styles

To ensure that education sessions at SOAR are as useful as possible for delegates, there are two facilitation styles that you can select from.

Collaborative Conversations

This type of education session allows for students to learn about your topic through conversation. Not only will you teach your attendees something, but your attendees will learn something from each other through activities such as facilitated discussions, basic activities, and small group discussions.

Example Format:

3 minutes – Introduction to Session

5 minutes – First point introduced

5 minutes – Small Group Discussion

5 minutes – Second point introduced

8 minutes – Small Group Activity

5 minutes – Wrap up

Example Proposal 1

Example Proposal 2

Experiential Learning

This type of education session allows for students to learn about your topic through activity-based learning. Your attendees will have a chance to participate in most aspects of the session which tend to be more creative in nature and could include things like meaningful icebreakers, and scenarios.

Example Format:

3 minutes – Introduction to Session

5 minutes – Topic related Ice breaker activity

7 minutes – Main concepts introduced

5 minutes – Small Group Prep Time for activity

5 minutes – Large Group Discussion and Debrief

5 minutes – Wrap up

Example Proposal 1

Example Proposal 2

Preview the rubric used by the SOAR Proposal Review Committee for assessing education session applications.

Apply to Present an Education Session

The deadline to present at SOAR 2025 has passed. However, proposals will continue to be reviewed until December 20, 2024 on an ongoing basis. Complete the application form on our website.