Departmental Advising

Our office assists students with questions about the Communications and Media Studies (CoMS) undergraduate program requirements and courses. Visit our list of frequently asked questions or book an appointment with the Undergraduate Program Advisor or Undergraduate Supervisor for help with your CoMS program (major/minor) and courses. Be sure to include your Carleton Student ID number and use your CMAIL account when corresponding by email.

Please note: Our online advising appointments are held over Microsoft Teams. Visit Carleton IT Services for support with MS Teams.

Kemi Obando
Undergraduate Program Administrator
4306 Richcraft Hall

Liam Cole Young
Supervisor of Undergraduate Studies
4317 Richcraft Hall

Book an Advising Appointment →

General Academic Advising

Contact the Academic Advising Centre (AAC) for questions that are not specific to the B. CoMS program.

If you are experiencing academic difficulties, a general advisor can assist you with understanding your academic audit and discuss how to improve or maximize your CGPA. They can also assist you with exploring options for adding or dropping a program element (minor), understanding your BREADTH requirements, academic regulations, and the Academic Continuing Evaluation (ACE).

Connect via email, phone or in person in order to discuss your academic plan. Contact information for general academic advising can be found here.

Not Sure Who to Ask?

I’m looking to: Who can help?
Understand my audit Academic Advising Centre
Plan out course selection in my major/minor Departmental Advisor
Add Communication & Media Studies as my major/minor Departmental Advisor
Gain course access All registration activity is managed online through Carleton Central. If you are missing a prerequsite, submit an Override Request through the Main Menu of Carleton Central.
Take courses at another institution in Canada If applying to a Letter of Permission, the Registrar’s Office will oversee your application. Your Departmental Advisor can assist once the credits appear on your audit.
Change, add, drop a major/minor Academic Advising Centre
Go on exchange Information on applying for the Exchange Process can be found at the International Student Services Office.To learn how exchange would impact your courses contact your Departmental Advisor.
Improve my grades or my study skills Centre for Student Academic Support
Understand my major requirements Departmental Advisor
Prepare for registration or register for courses For assistance navigating the registration system, review the Registration website. Your Departmental Advisor can assist with course selection
Apply for awards Search for scholarships at the Awards and Financial Aid website.