Fatma Turker, a second year student in Carleton University’s Master of Social Work, was recently announced as recipient of a Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE) Outstanding Student Award.  Recipients of these awards demonstrate “exceptional dedication, innovation, and excellence in their studies and contributions to the field of social work”.

Per the announcement,

Fatma is profoundly motivated by the concepts of epistemic justice in social work education, including her current practicum working with people experiencing severe and persistent mental health challenges. A strong orientation to equity underpins her research to expand how knowledge derived through lived experience can be transformative in education and professional practice using coproduction.

Along with Brenda Morris (Carleton University), Louise Whitaker (Southern Cross University), and Kelsey Voth (Ottawa Therapy Group), Fatma recently co-presented at CASWE’s annual conference in Montreal on “Investigating co-production in mental health social work pedagogy”.

Congratulations, Fatma!