1. Overview of Practicum for BSW Students
  2. Practicum Courses
    1. SOWK 3600
    2. SOWK 3601
    3. SOWK 4600
    4. SOWK 4601 & SOWK 4602
  3. Types of Placements
    1. Practicum Application Information

Overview of Practicum for BSW Students

Students in the BSW Program are required to complete a minimum of 700 practice hours as part of their degree requirements. This is generally done through two Practicum courses, Practicum I (SOWK 3600 or SOWK 3601 at the third-year level) and Practicum II (SOWK 4600 or SOWK 4601 & 4602 at the fourth-year level). Both Practicum I and Practicum II are part of the core curriculum for the BSW degree.

Practicum I and Practicum II each consist of a minimum of 364 hours in total, which includes a field placement in a community setting (minimum of 352 hours per Practicum course), mandatory participation in concurrent Practicum Seminars, Faculty Liaison consultations, and completion of all written requirements. Attendance and participation in additional Supplemental Practicum Seminars may be required. Each Practicum course is worth two credits and is graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. The satisfactory/unsatisfactory grade given for Practicum courses in not calculated into the student’s GPA.

Students normally take Practicum I during the third year of the BSW program. Students’ point of entry into the BSW program determines which Practicum I course is applicable. Students entering the BSW program with third-year standing upon admission should refer to SOWK 3601. All other BSW students should refer to SOWK 3600.

Practicum students normally complete each field placement in one agency/organization only. This is based on the principle that students need the time to observe and practice in order to gain competence and a sense of confidence.

In cases where academic credit has been granted for previous work and/or relevant experience, students may be exempted from Practicum I but would still be required to complete Practicum II.

To apply for Practicum I or Practicum II, students must have completed all of the prerequisite course work, be in good academic standing, and seek permission from the School of Social Work by submitting a practicum application through mySuccess by the established deadlines.

Practicum Courses

SOWK 3600

SOWK 3600 is a 2.0 credit Practicum I course that is generally taken in the third year of the BSW program. Students in SOWK 3600 complete their field placement part-time throughout the full academic year (beginning of September to early April). Students in SOWK 3600 are in field placements on a 2-3 day per week basis, or the equivalent of 14-16 hours per week, excluding meal breaks. Students must also attend and participate in six Practicum Seminars, which are held three times in the fall term and three times in the winter term. Attendance and participation in additional Supplemental Practicum Seminars may be required.


Students must apply by the applicable deadlines and meet the following prerequisites to be eligible for SOWK 3600:

  • Completion of SOWK 2001, SOWK 2005, SOWK 2100, SOWK 2202, and SOWK 2203.
  • Good academic standing in the BSW program.
  • A 6.00 CGPA in the Social Work major.

SOWK 3601

SOWK 3601 is a 2.0 credit Practicum I course that is taken by students newly admitted into the BSW program with third-year standing. Students in SOWK 3601 complete their field placement over the winter term of their first year (beginning of January to early April) on a 4 day per week basis, or the equivalent of 28 hours per week, excluding meal breaks. Students must also attend and participate in six Practicum Seminars, held bi-weekly during the winter term. Attendance and participation in additional Supplemental Practicum Seminars may be required. Full-time students admitted to third year normally take required courses in the fall term, and Practicum I (SOWK 3601) in the winter term, along with SOWK 3100.

Please note that returning students with third-year standing, and those who were admitted with third-year standing in a previous admission cycle, are not eligible for SOWK 3601. These students must refer to SOWK 3600.


Students must apply by the applicable deadlines and meet the following prerequisites to be eligible for SOWK 3601:

  • Third-year standing upon new admission into the BSW program.
  • Completion of SOWK 2001, SOWK 2005, SOWK 2100, SOWK 2202, and SOWK 2203.
  • Good academic standing in the BSW program.
  • A 6.00 CGPA in the Social Work major.

SOWK 4600

SOWK 4600 is a 2.0 credit Practicum II course that is generally taken in the fourth year of the BSW program. It is taken over one term, and is available in either the fall term or the summer term. SOWK 4600 is not offered in the winter term.

Students in SOWK 4600 complete their field placement over one term, either in the fall term (beginning of September to early December) or in the summer term (beginning of May to mid-August), on a 4 day per week basis, or the equivalent of 28 hours per week, excluding meal breaks. Students must also attend and participate in six Practicum Seminars, held bi-weekly during the term that they are in placement. Attendance and participation in additional Supplemental Practicum Seminars may be required.


Students must apply by the applicable deadlines and meet the following prerequisites to be eligible for SOWK 4600:

  • Third-year standing or higher.
  • Completion of SOWK 2001, SOWK 2005, SOWK 2100, SOWK 2202, SOWK 2203, SOWK 3100, and SOWK 3600 or 3601 or 3602.
  • Good academic standing in the BSW program.
  • A 6.00 CGPA in the Social Work major.

SOWK 4601 & SOWK 4602

SOWK 4601 & SOWK 4602 are each 1.0 credit Practicum II courses [2.0 credits total] which are available to students who are approved to complete their field placement on a part-time basis over two consecutive terms. SOWK 4601 & SOWK 4602 are generally taken at the fourth-year level.

Students in SOWK 4601 & 4602 complete their field placement in one agency over two consecutive terms, either fall/winter (beginning of September to early April), winter/summer (beginning of January to mid-August), or summer/fall (beginning of May to early December). Students complete their field placement on a 2-3 day per week basis, or the equivalent of 14-16 hours per week, excluding meal breaks. Students must also attend and participate in six Practicum Seminars, generally held bi-weekly during the term they are registered for SOWK 4601 (the first term they are in field placement). Attendance and participation in additional Supplemental Practicum Seminars may be required.


Students must apply by the applicable deadlines and meet the following prerequisites to be eligible for SOWK 4601 & SOWK 4602:

  • Third-year standing or higher.
  • Completion of SOWK 2001, SOWK 2005, SOWK 2100, SOWK 2202, SOWK 2203, SOWK 3100, and SOWK 3600 or 3601 or 3602.
  • Good academic standing in the BSW program.
  • A 6.00 CGPA in the Social Work major.

Preparing for Field Placement?

Be sure to review the Preparing for Field Placement – Resume Cover Letter and Interview Guides file as well as Field Placement Sample Cover Letter – SOWK 4601-4602 – Summer-Fall.

Types of Placements

Students will either be matched by the School, their place of employment or a distance placement. Additionally, placements can be both paid and unpaid, however, the majority are unpaid placements.

Practicum Application Information

This section details the steps for applying to a practicum as well as other possible requirements such as Police Records Checks or Health Requirements. We have also included a step by step process on the practicum process to give you an understanding of the all the steps that the students, Practicum Coordinator, Practicum Administrator and Placement are responsible for.