Welcome to the Bachelor of Social Work Student Society!

NEW: Stories of Service (SOS) Podcast hosted by BSW students Geraldine Ernest and Kayla Escoffery.

The Bachelor of Social Work Student Society (BSWSS) is a student organization led by, comprised of, and accountable to undergraduate students in the School of Social Work at Carleton. The BSWSS is the main collective voice of the BSW student body, and all undergraduates in the School of Social Work are members of the society.

One of the primary functions of the BSWSS is to choose representatives to serve as members of the various committees of the School so that the student body has input into the deliberations regarding BSW program policies and decisions. The BSWSS also plays an important social role in connecting undergraduate students through various educational and social activities.

The major objectives of the BSWSS are:

  • To represent the interests of BSW students in the functioning of the SSW; to advocate for the student body;
  • To initiate educational opportunities of interest to the students that are not covered directly in the academic curriculum of the SSW;
  • To work towards developing a sense of community among the students with particular attention to incoming students;
  • To promote respect and create a safer environment in the SSW;
  • To continue to work toward social justice within the student body and Bachelor of Social Work program;
  • To create an environment of support and collegiality among the students and to have some fun!

2024-25 Executive of the BSWSS

Iqra Nasim and Campbell Dicken


Precious Iziomon

Vice-President, Student Engagement

Emma Grover

Vice-President, Student Events 


First-Year Executive Representative 

Alyson Caron

Second-Year Executive Representative 

Gwen Radzimirska

Third-Year Executive Representative

Chloe Cady

Fourth-Year Executive Representative

Student Committee Representatives for Social Work Committees and Boards

Departmental Board  Iqra Nasim (Regular), Gwen Radzimirska (Alternate)

BSW Program Committee Campbell Dicken & Alyson Caron

Field Education Committee Emma Grover & Chloe Cady

Black History Committee Blessing Fordjour & Precious Iziomon

Social Justice Committee Emad Al-Karimi

Relational Resurgence Committee Maria Ivanov & Sabrina Stellmach

Contact Information and Social Media

Email: bswss.cu@gmail.com