The Bachelor of Social Work (20.0 Credit) Honours Degree Program

In order to graduate from the BSW program, students must complete 20.0 credits, this generally includes 10.5 credits in the Social Work Major and 9.5 credits outside the Major (i.e. elective requirements). In addition to requiring the 20.0 credits for graduation, students must also be meeting CGPA requirements for continuing in the program, practicum and graduation. Please see the CGPA Information page for more details on these requirements.

The information below outlines the 20.0 credits that students must complete in order to graduate from the BSW degree, as indicated in the Undergraduate Calendar. Your degree requirements will be reflected on your academic audit. Information on how to read your academic audit for BSW can be found on the BSW Academic Audit page.

Information about when you should take specific courses throughout your degree can be found on the BSW Registration, Course Load, Degree Planning page. After reviewing available information on our website for degree requirements, course sequencing and reading your audit, if BSW students have any further questions you are welcome to contact the Undergraduate Administrator for support with academic advising.

A. 10.5 credits total in the Major SOWK, which appears on the academic audit as BACHELOR OF SOCIAL WORK MAJOR REQUIREMENTS including:

First Year – 1000-level
1.0 credit in: 
 SOWK 1001 [0.5] Introduction to Social Welfare
 SOWK 1002 [0.5] Introduction to Social Work
Second Year – 2000-level
2.5 credits in:
 SOWK 2001 [0.5] Structural Analysis and Social Work
 SOWK 2005 [0.5] Values and Ethics for Social Work
 SOWK 2100 [0.5] The Political Economy of the Social Welfare State
 SOWK 2202 [0.5] Introduction to Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families
 SOWK 2203 [0.5] Introduction to Social Work Practice with Groups and Communities
Third Year – 3000-level
1.0 credit in: 
 SOWK 3001 [0.5] Introduction to Research Methods in Social Work
 SOWK 3002 [0.5] Introduction to Statistical Analysis in Social Work
0.5 credit in: 
 SOWK 3100 [0.5] Social Policy and Administration
2.0 credits in: 
 SOWK 3600 [2.0] Practicum I (Fall and Winter Terms) or SOWK 3601 [2.0] Practicum I (Winter Term*reserved for newly admitted third-year entry students*)
Fourth Year – 4000-level
0.5 credit in: 
 SOWK 4000 [0.5] Social Work and Indigenous Peoples
0.5 credit (one course) selected from the “Advanced Practice” SOWK Electives:
  •  SOWK 4001 [0.5] Advanced Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families
  • SOWK 4002 [0.5] Advanced Social Work Practice with Groups
  •  SOWK 4003 [0.5] Advanced Social Work Practice with Communities
  •  SOWK 4004 [0.5] Social Policy Development and Practice
0.5 credit (one course) selected from the “Population Focused” SOWK Electives:
  •  SOWK 4103 [0.5] Practice and Policy in Immigration
  •  SOWK 4300 [0.5] Social Work and Persons with Disabilities
  •  SOWK 4301 [0.5] Racialization and Social Work
  •  SOWK 4302 [0.5] Poverty and Social Welfare Policy
2.0 credits in: 
 SOWK 4600 [2.0] Practicum II or SOWK 4601 [1.0] & SOWK 4602 [1.0] Practicum II

B. 9.5 credits in Elective Requirements, which appears on the academic audit as CREDITS NOT INCLUDED IN THE MAJOR CGPA including:

2.0 credits from related programs:
  • Electives in any of the following subjects: ANTH, CRCJ, ECON, HIST, HUMR, INDG, LAWS, PAPM, PSCI, PSYC, SOCI, or WGST.
6.0 credits not in Social Work:
  • electives in any subject/discipline, can includes subjects from related programs, except SOWK.
1.5 credits in Free Electives:
  • electives in any subject, which can include additional SOWK courses within the major discipline (not considering a repeat) or SOWK courses that are not a part of the Major Requirements (i.e. SOWK 2301, 3206, 3207, and Special Topics SOWK courses).
  • OR the SOWK 4908 Honours Essay – 1.0 credit, plus 0.5 credit in free elective.

Work Experience and Credit for Practicum I (SOWK 3600, SOWK 3601, SOWK 3602)

Upon admission to the BSW program, students who have four or more years of human service work experience (a minimum of 4500 hours of human services work experience within the past five years, of which a maximum of 500 hours may include unpaid or volunteer work. Unpaid experience does not include practicum hours undertaken in a previous education program) may apply to the BSW Practicum Coordinator for waiver of the 2.0 credit requirement for SOWK 3600 [2.0]. Full documentation of work experience and references are required. For more information on the Application for Waiver of Practicum I (including eligibility criteria, application process and deadlines) please see the Practicum Hub.

If successful, they will be granted 1.0 elective credit in Social Work and will be required to take 1.0 additional elective credit in Social Work in lieu of SOWK 3600 [2.0]SOWK 3601 [2.0] or SOWK 3602 [2.0].

There is no waiver option for Practicum II.