Photo of Hugh Armstrong

Hugh Armstrong

Professor Emeritus

Degrees:PhD (Montreal)

Research Interests/ Current Research Projects:

  • Political Economy of Health
  • Long-Term Care
  • Women and Work


PhD, Université de Montréal (sociologie), 1984

Thesis: “Working Class Women in the Canadian Labour Force” supervised by Jacques Dofny

MA, Carleton University (sociology), 1974

Thesis: “The Patron State of Canada: An Exploratory Essay on the State and Job Creation in Canada since World War Two” supervised by John Porter

BA, Carleton University (history and political science), 1966


Academic Appointments

Professor Emeritus of Social Work, Political Economy, and Sociology, Carleton University, 2013-

Academic Visitor, Department of Sociology, University of Essex, 2011

 Distinguished Visitor, Comparative Program in Health and Society, Munk School of Global Affairs, and Academic Visitor, Health Policy, Management and Evaluation Program, Faculty of Medicine, both at University of Toronto, 2010-11

Academic Visitor, Centre for International Research on Care, Labour and Equality (CIRCLE), University of Leeds, 2010

Academic Visitor, Centre of Canadian Studies, University of Edinburgh, 2007

 Academic Visitor, Centre for the Study of Health and Society, School of Population Health, University of Melbourne, 2005

Visiting Fellow, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, 2003

Professor, School of Social Work, Institute of Political Economy, and Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University, 1999-2013

Academic Visitor, Institut fűr empirische und angerwandte Soziologie, University of Bremen, 1995

Associate Professor, School of Social Work and Institute of Political Economy, Carleton University, 1995-99     (tenured 1997)

Director, Access and Assessment, Centennial College, 1991-93

Research Associate, Ontario Council of Regents for the Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (on secondment), 1991

Associate Dean, School of Communications and General Studies, Centennial College, 1987-91

Visiting Fellow, School of Social Work, Phillip Institute of Technology, Melbourne, 1985

Lecturer, MA Program in Public Policy and Public Administration, Concordia University, 1984-86

Professor in Sociology and Humanities, Vanier College, 1979-87 (Curriculum Co-ordinator, Social Science Program, 1986-87)

Professor in Sociology and Humanities, Marianopolis College, 1975-79

Instructor, Department of Sociology, University of Regina, 1974

Sessional Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Trent University, 1971-73

Other Employment

 Co-ordinator, Health Research Project, Ontario Federation of Labour, 1993-95

Consultant, Ontario Department of University Affairs, 1968-69

President, Canadian Union of Students, 1967-68

President, Ontario Region, Canadian Union of Students, 1966-67


Distinguished Research Professor, Carleton University, 2013-

Margaret Griffiths Award, Council on Aging of Ottawa, 2010

Critical to Care shortlisted for the Rik Davidson Studies in Political Economy Book Prize, 2010

Carleton University Research Achievement Award, 2009

Nominee, 3M Teaching Fellowship Award, 2005

Nominee, Capital Educator’s Award, 2005

SSHRCC Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 1984-85

Québec-Ontario Doctoral Fellowship, 1973-74 and 1974-75

Carleton University Graduate Research and Teaching Assistantships, 1969-71


Refereed Books

About Canada: Health Care. Revised Second Edition. Black Point NS and Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishing, 2016, 181 pp. (with Pat Armstrong, equal contributions)

Wasting Away: The Undermining of Canadian Health Care. Wynford Project Edition, with new Introduction. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2010, xii + 271 pp. (with Pat Armstrong, equal contributions)

The Double Ghetto: Canadian Women and their Segregated Work. Wynford Project Edition, with new Preface. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2010, 7 + 259 pp. (with Pat Armstrong, equal contributions)

They Deserve Better: The long-term care experience in Canada and Scandinavia. Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2009, 155 pp. (with Pat Armstrong, Albert Banerjee, Marta Szebehely, Tamara Daly and Stirling Lafrance, secondary contribution)

Critical to Care: The Invisible Women in Health Services. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008, xii + 228 pp. (with Pat Armstrong and Krista Scott-Dixon, equal contributions)

About Canada: Health Care. Halifax and Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishing, 2008, 157 pp. (with Pat Armstrong, equal contributions)

Wasting Away: The Undermining of Canadian Health Care. Second Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2003, viii + 272 pp. (with Pat Armstrong, equal contributions)

‘Heal Thyself’: Managing Health Care Reform. Toronto: Garamond Press, 2000, 171 pp. (with Pat Armstrong, Ivy Bourgeault, Jacqueline Choiniere, Eric Mykhalovskiy and Jerry P. White, equal contributions)

Universal Health Care: What the United States Can Learn from the Canadian Experience. New York: The New Press, 1998, xv + 176 pp. Excerpted as pp. 8-11 in The Washington Monthly 30:6 (June 1998) (equal contribution with Pat Armstrong, and with assistance from Claudia Fegan)

Wasting Away: The Undermining of Canadian Health Care. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1996, viii + 245 pp. (with Pat Armstrong, equal contributions)

The Double Ghetto: Canadian Women and Their Segregated Work. Third Edition. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1994, 259 pp. (with Pat Armstrong, equal contributions)

Theorizing Women’s Work. Toronto: Garamond, 1990, 161 pp. Chapter 8 reprinted as Chapter 1 in Merle Jacobs (ed.), Is Anyone Listening? Women, Work, and Society. Toronto: Women’s Press, 2002; Chapter 6 reprinted as pp. 299-310 in James Curtis, Edward Grabb and Neil Guppy (eds.), Social Inequality in Canada. Second Edition. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall, 1993 (with Pat Armstrong, equal contributions)

The Double Ghetto: Canadian Women and Their Segregated Work. Revised Edition. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1984, 223 pp. Chapter Two reprinted as pp. 275-315 in Arlene Tigar McLaren (ed.), Gender and Society: Creating a Canadian Women’s Sociology. Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman, 1988. Excerpts reprinted as pp. 381-389 in James Curtis and Lorne Tepperman (eds.), Images of Canada: The Sociological Tradition. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall, 1990 (with Pat Armstrong, equal contributions)

A Working Majority: What Women Must Do for Pay. Ottawa: Supply and Services Canada, 1983, 280 pp. Translated as Une Majorité Laborieuse: Les femmes qui gagnent leur vie, mais à quel prix. Ottawa: Approvisionnements et Services Canada, 1983, 329 pp. Excerpts reprinted as pp. 130-137 in Graham S. Lowe and Harvey Krahn (eds.), Working Canadians: A Reader in the Sociology of Work and Industry. Toronto: Methuen, 1984 (with Pat Armstrong, equal contributions)

The Double Ghetto: Canadian Women and Their Segregated Work. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1978, 199 pp. (with Pat Armstrong, equal contributions)

Articles in Refereed Journals (2008-present)

“How Privatization Infects the Canadian Health Care System” New Labor Forum (2023): (with Pat Armstrong)

“Leadership for quality in long-term care”. Healthcare Management Forum 35:1 (2022): 5-10.  DOI: 10:1177/08404704211040747 (with Ivy L. Bourgeault, Tamara Daly, Catherine Aubrecht, Pat Armstrong and Susan Braedley)

“Is there a future for nursing homes in Canada?” Healthcare Management Forum (2021) DOI: 10.1177/08404704211037788 (with Pat Armstrong)

“Policies and Practices: The Case of RAI-MDS in Canadian Long-Term Care Homes” Journal of Canadian Studies 50:2 (2017): 348-67 (with Tamara Daly and Jacqueline Choiniere, equal contributions)

“Comparison of Nursing Home Financial Transparency and Accountability in Four Locations”. Ageing International 41:1 (2016): 17-39 (with Charlene Harrington et al., secondary contribution)

“The Threats of Privatization to Security in Long-Term Residential Care”. Ageing International 41:1 (2016): 99-116 (with Pat Armstrong and Krystal Kehoe MacLeod, equal contributions)

“‘Care workers don’t have a voice’: Epistemological violence in residential care for older people”, Journal of Aging Studies 33 (2015): 28-36 (with Albert Banerjee, Pat Armstrong, Tamara Daly and Susan Braedley, secondary contribution)

“The Thin Blue Line: Long Term Care as an Indicator of Equity in Welfare States”, Canadian Woman Studies29:3 (July 2012): 49-60 (with Pat Armstrong and Tamara Daly, equal contributions)

“Structural violence in long-term residential care for older people: Comparing Canada and Scandinavia”, Social Science and Medicine 74:3 (February 2012): 390-98 (with Albert Banerjee, Tamara Daly, Pat Armstrong, Marta Szebehely and Stirling Lafrance, equal contributions)

“Lifting the ‘Violence Veil’: Examining Working Conditions in Long-Term Care Facilities Using Iterative Mixed Methods”, Canadian Journal on Aging 30:2 (2011): 271-84 (with Tamara Daly, Albert Banerjee, Pat Armstrong and Marta Szebehely, equal contributions)

“Structural Violence in Long-Term Residential Care”, Women’s Health and Urban Life X:1 (May 2011): 111-29 (with Pat Armstrong, Albert Banerjee, Tamara Daly and Marta Szebehely, equal contributions)

“Bringing It Home: Women’s Health Work”, Women’s Health and Urban Life VII:2 (2008): 6-15 (with Pat Armstrong, equal contributions)

“Qualitative research and the politics of knowledge in an age of evidence”, Social Science and Medicine 67 (July 2008): 195-203 (with Eric Mykhalovskiy, Pat Armstrong, Ivy Bourgeault, Jackie Choiniere, Joel Lexchin, Suzanne Peters and Jerry White, secondary contribution)

Edited Books and Special Journal Issues

 Health Matters: Evidence, Critical Social Science and Health Care in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, forthcoming 2020 (with principal editor Erik Myhkalovskiy and co-editors Jacquine Choiniere and Pat Armstrong)

The Privatization of Care: The Case of Nursing Homes. New York: Routledge, 2020, xvi + 249 pp. (co-editor with Pat Armstrong, equal contributions)

“Special Issue on Indicating and Evidence Base” Policy and Practice in Health and Safety 6:2 (2008), with Introduction on “Indicating Occupational Health” pp. 3-7 (guest editor, with Pat Armstrong, equal contributions)

Studies in Political Economy: Developments in Feminism. Toronto: Women’s Press, 2003, vi + 362 pp. (principal editors Caroline Andrew, Pat Armstrong and Leah F. Vosko; associate editor with Wallace Clement)

Unhealthy Times: The Political Economy of Health and Care in Canada. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2001, x + 254 pp. (co-editor, with Introductions, with Pat Armstrong and David Coburn, equal contributions)

“Special Issue on Privatization”. Studies in Political Economy 53 (summer 1997), 140 pp. Edited, with an Introduction (with Pat Armstrong and M. Patricia Connelly, equal contributions)

Chapters in Edited Books (2007-present)

“Is Money Enough? The Trudeau Record on Health Care”, pp. 199-213in Katherine Scott, Laura Macdonald and Stuart Trew (eds.), The Trudeau Recore: Promise and Performance., Toronto: Lorimer, 2024 (with Pat Armstrong)

“Measuring Care”, pp. 99-118 in Christina Gabriel and L. Pauline Rankin (eds.), Counting Matters: Policy, Practice and the Limits of Gender Equity Measurement in Canada Vancouver: UBC Press, 2024 (with Pat Armstrong and Jacqueline Choiniere)

“Piercing the corporate veil: nursing home ownership in turbulent times”, pp. 19-33 in Pat Armstrong and Susan Braedley (eds.), Care Homes in a Turbulent Era: Do They Have a Future? Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar, 2023

“Regulation and accountability in the care home sector: expert commentaries”, pp. 137-150 in Pat Armstrong and Susan Braedley (eds.), Care Homes in a Turbulent Era: Do They Have a Future? Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar, 2023

“Conclusion: a labour of love is still labour”, pp. 127-130 in Pat Armstrong (ed.), Unpaid Work in Nursing Homes: Flexible Boundaries. Policy Press, Bristol University Press, 2023 (with Pat Armstrong and Marta Szebehely)

“Putting Life into Years: Promoting Health and Joy in Nursing Homes”, pp. 438-50 in Irving Rootman et al. (eds.), Promoting the Health of Older Adults: The Canadian Experience. Toronto: Canadian Scholars, 2021 (with Pat Armstrong and Jaqueline Choiniere)

“Contracting Out Care: Nursing Homes in Canada” in Fran Collyer and Kate Willis (eds.), Navigating Private and Public Healthcare: Experiences of Patients, Doctors and Policy Makers. Melbourne and Basingstoke UK: Palgrave, 2020 (with Pat Armstrong, equal contributions)

“Privatizing Care: Setting the Stage”, pp. 17-37 in The Privatization of Care: The Case of Nursing Homes(New York: Routledge, 2020 (with Pat Armstrong, equal contributions)

“Privatization of Long-Term Residential Care in Canada: The Case of Three Provinces”, pp. 87-101 in The Privatization of Care: The Case of Nursing Homes (New York: Routledge, 2020 (with Pat Armstrong, Martha MacDonald and Malcolm Doupe, equal contributions)

“Privatization and COVID-19: A Deadly Combination for Nursing Homes”, pp. 447-62 in Colleen Flood et al. (eds.), Vulnerable: The Law, Policy and Ethics of COVID-19. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2020 (with Pat Armstrong and Ivy Bourgeault)

“Start Early, Stay Late: Planning for Care in Old Age”, pp. 246-56 in Leo Panitch and Colin Leys (eds.), Beyond Digital Capitalism — A New Way of Living. Socialist Register 2021. London: Merlin Press, 2020 (with Pat Armstrong)

“Introduction”, pp. 3-30 in Eric Mykhalovskiy et al. (eds), Health Matters: Evidence, Critical Social Science, and Health Care in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020 (with Eric Mykhalovskiy, Jacquelin Choiniere and Pat Armstrong)

“Code Work: RAI-MDS, Measurement, Quality, and Work Organization in Long-Term Care Facilities in Ontario”, pp. 75-91 in Mykhalovskiy et al. (eds), Health Matters (with Tamara Daly and Jacqueline Choiniere)

“Conclusion: Health Matters – in Practice”, pp. 263-76 in Mykhalovskiy et al. (eds.), Health Matters (with Pat Armstrong, Jacqueline Choiniere and Eric Mykhalovskiy)

“Caring for Seniors the Neoliberal Way”, pp. 229-44 in Mark P. Thomas, Leah F. Vosko, Carlo Fanelli and Olena Lyubchenko (eds.), Change and Continuity: Canadian Political Economy in the New Millennium(Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019 (with Pat Armstrong, Tamara Daly and Jacqueline Choiniere, equal contributions)

“Reforming Health Services in Ontario: Contradictions”, pp. 334-58 in Greg Albo and Bryan Evans (eds.), Divided Province: Ontario Politics in the Age of Neoliberalism Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press, 2018 (with Pat Armstrong, equal contributions)

“Theory Counts”, pp. 1-20 in Pat Armstrong and Ruth Lowndes (eds.), Creative Teamwork: Developing Rapid Site-Switching Ethnography. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018 (with Pat Armstrong, equal contributions)

“Risk and Safety”, pp. 33-36 in Pat Armstrong and Ruth Lowndes (eds.), Negotiating Tensions in Long-Term Care: Ideas Worth Sharing (Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2018)

“Space Matters”, pp. 37-43 in Pat Armstrong and Susan Braedley (eds.), Physical Environments for Long-Term Care: Ideas Worth Sharing (Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2016)

“Promising Practices: Home-Like Feel and ‘Distributed Leadership’”, pp. 66-68 in Donna Baines and Pat Armstrong (eds.), Promising Practices in Long-Term Care: Ideas Worth Sharing (Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2015/2016)

“Neoliberalism and Official Statistics: Towards a Research Agenda”, pp. 187-99 in Pat Armstrong and Susan Braedley (eds.), Troubling Care: Critical Perspectives on Research and Practices. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2013

“Contradictions at Work: Struggles for Control in Canadian Health Care”, pp. 145-67 in Leo Panitch and Colin Leys (eds.), Morbid Symptoms: Health under Capitalism. Socialist Register 2010. Pontypool Wales: Merlin Press, 2009 (with Pat Armstrong, equal contributions)

“Precarious Employment in the Health-care Sector”, pp. 256-70 in Leah F. Vosko, Martha MacDonald and Iain Campbell (eds.), Gender and the Contours of Precarious Employment. London and New York: Routledge, 2009 (with Pat Armstrong, equal contributions)

“Gendering Work? Women and Technologies in Health”, pp. 122-37 in Ellen Balka, Eileen Green and Flis Henwood (eds.), Gender, Health and Information Technology in Context. Basingstoke UK: Palgrave, 2009 (with Pat Armstrong and Karen Messing, equal contributions)

“Doubtful Data: Why Paradigms Matter in Counting the Health-Care Labour Force”, pp. 326-48 in Vivian Shalla and Wallace Clement (eds.), Work in Tumultuous Times: Critical Perspectives. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007 (with Pat Armstrong and Kate Laxer, equal contributions)

Articles in Non-refereed Journals 

“It’s time to make Canadian medicare truly universal”, Canadian Dimension (28 August 2021) (with Pat Armstrong)

“Family Involvement Crucial in Long-Term Care”, The Conversation (12 August 2021) (with Pat Armstrong et al.)

“Long-term care after the COVID-19 disaster: Three promising ways to move forward”, The Conversation (12 August 2021) (with Pat Armstrong et al.)

“Long-term care reform: No time to waste”, The Monitor blog (May 2021) (with Pat Armstrong et al.)

“Private Long-Term Care and Home Care Zombies”, Winnipeg Free Press (25 October 2016): A7 (with Pat Armstrong)

Technical Reports and Miscellaneous Publications (2008-present)

“Investing in Care, Not Profit”. Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2021, 19 pp. (with Pat Armstrong, Dan Buchanan, Tony Dean, Gail Donner, Arthur Donner, Alex Himmelfarb, Sharon Sholtzberg-Gray and Steven Shrybman)

“Reimagining Long-Term Residential Care in the COVID-19 Crisis”. Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2020, 15 pp. Slightly revised version in The Monitor 27:2 (with Pat Armstrong et al.)

“‘When you are working in this environment, you’re more likely to get sick’: Mapping care relationships in long-term care”, Innovation in Aging 4:S1 (2020): 931. Poster presentation at the Gerontological Association of America 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting (with lead author Andriena Marquez de la Plata Gregor and others)

 “RNs in Long-Term Care: A Portrait”. Toronto: Ontario Nurses Association, 2019, 28 pp. (with Pat Armstrong, Jacqueline Choiniere and Ruth Lowndes, equal contributions)

“‘Before It’s Too Late’: A National Plan for Safe Seniors’ Care”. Ottawa: Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions, 2015, 40 pp. (with Pat Armstrong and Jacqueline Choiniere, equal contributions)

“Conceptual Guide to the Health Care Module: Conceptualizing Health Care Work”. Gender and Work Database York University, 2014 (with Pat Armstrong and Kate Laxer, secondary contribution)

Contradictions: Health Equity and Women’s Health Services in Toronto. Toronto: Wellesley Institute, 2008, 71 pp. (with Tamara Daly, Pat Armstrong, Susan Braedley and Vanessa Oliver, equal contributions)