Stream in Europe and Russia in the World
B.G.In.S. General (15.0 credits)

A. Credits Included in the Major CGPA (8.0 credits):
1.  4.0 credits in: Core Courses 4.0
GINS 1000 [0.5]
Global History
GINS 1010 [0.5]
International Law and Politics
GINS 1020 [0.5]
Ethnography, Globalization and Culture
GINS 2000 [0.5]
Ethics and Globalization
GINS 2010 [0.5]
Globalization and International Economic Issues
GINS 2020 [0.5]
Global Literatures
GINS 3010 [0.5]
Global and International Theory
GINS 3020 [0.5]
Places, Boundaries, Movements and Global Environmental Change
2.  4.0 credits from: the Stream 4.0
Note: Language Requirement- Students choosing the Europe and Russia in the World Stream must fulfil their language requirement with a language relevant to Europe and Russia other than English. The Program Director will maintain a list of those languages suitable for meeting this requirement.
a. Foundations
EURR 1001 [0.5]
Introduction to European and Russian Studies
Note: With permission of the Institute of European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies, students may substitute an equivalent course in History, Political Science, Law, Sociology or related fields forEURR 1001.
b. Core
EURR 2001 [0.5]
Current Issues in European Politics and Society
EURR 2002 [0.5]
Europe and Russia in the World
c. History
HIST 2102 [0.5]
Modern Thought and Culture: the Nineteenth Century
HIST 2103 [0.5]
Modern Thought and Culture: the Twentieth Century
HIST 2207 [1.0]
Nineteenth-Century Europe
HIST 2502 [0.5]
Modern Britain
HIST 2508 [0.5]
France since 1889
HIST 2510 [0.5]
19th-Century Germany
HIST 2511 [0.5]
20th-Century Germany
HIST 2600 [1.0]
History of Russia
HIST 2802 [0.5]
War and Society in Modern Europe, 1789-1914
HIST 2803 [0.5]
War and Society in Modern Europe, 1914-1950
HIST 3217 [0.5]
Empire and Globalization
HIST 3800 [0.5]
International History 1914-41
HIST 3801 [0.5]
International History 1941-90
d. Literature and Culture
EURR 3001 [0.5]
Literature and Culture in Europe
EURR 3002 [0.5]
Literature and Culture in Russia and Eurasia
e. Economics and Politics
ECON 3807 [0.5]
European Economic Integration
ECON 3808 [0.5]
The Economics of Transition
PSCI 3206 [0.5]
The Government and Politics of Western Europe
PSCI 3207 [0.5]
The Government and Politics of European Integration
PSCI 3208 [0.5]
Reform and Political Change in the Russian Federation
PSCI 3209 [0.5]
Reconstruction and Transformation in Europe and Eurasia
PSCI 3704 [0.5]
Government and Politics of Central and Eastern Europe
f. EURUS Electives (see list, below)
B. Credits Not Included in the Major CGPA (7.0 credits)
3.  7.0 credits in: Free Electives 7.0
C. Additional Requirements
4. The Language requirement must be met.
Total Credits 15.0

EURUS Electives

Art History
ARTH 2502 [0.5]
European Art of the 19th Century
ARTH 2600 [0.5]
Modern European Art 1900-1945
ARTH 3505 [0.5]
French Impressionism: Art, Leisure and Society
ARTH 4505 [0.5]
Topics in Nineteenth-Century European Art
ECON 3600 [0.5]
Introduction to International Economics
ECON 3601 [0.5]
Introduction to International Trade
ECON 3602 [0.5]
International Monetary Problems
ECON 3807 [0.5]
European Economic Integration
ECON 3808 [0.5]
The Economics of Transition
ECON 3870 [0.5]
Comparative Economic Systems
European and Russian Studies
FYSM 1603 [1.0]
Full-Year Seminar in European and Russian Studies
FYSM 1614 [0.5]
One-Term Seminar in European and Russian Studies
EURR 1001 [0.5]
Introduction to European and Russian Studies
EURR 2001 [0.5]
Current Issues in European Politics and Society
EURR 2002 [0.5]
Europe and Russia in the World
EURR 3001 [0.5]
Literature and Culture in Europe
EURR 3002 [0.5]
Literature and Culture in Russia and Eurasia
EURR 4002 [0.5]
Post-Soviet States and Societies
EURR 4003 [0.5]
Social and Political Perspectives in Europe
EURR 4005 [0.5]
Environmental Problems and Politics in East/Central Europe and Eurasia
EURR 4007 [0.5]
Social and Political Discourse in Russia
EURR 4008 [0.5]
Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict in Eastern and Central Europe
EURR 4100 [0.5]
Nation-Building in Central and Eastern Europe
EURR 4101 [0.5]
The Balkans in Transition – 1918 to 1989
EURR 4102 [0.5]
The Balkans since 1989
EURR 4104 [0.5]
European Integration and European Security
EURR 4106 [0.5]
Selected Topics in European Integration Studies
EURR 4107 [0.5]
Russia’s Regional and Global Ambitions
EURR 4201 [0.5]
Special Topics in European Studies
EURR 4202 [0.5]
Special Topics in Russian and Eurasian Studies
EURR 4204 [0.5]
Central Europe, Past and Present
EURR 4304 [0.5]
Europe and International Migration
EURR 4305 [0.5]
Imperial Russia and the Russian Revolution
EURR 4306 [0.5]
The Soviet Union: Power and Culture
EURR 4205 [0.5]
Gender, Identity and Politics in Post-Communist Societies
EURR 4206 [0.5]
Internship and Applied Policy Skills
EURR 4207 [0.5]
Politics of Central Eurasia
EURR 4208 [0.5]
Foreign Policies of Soviet Successor States
EURR 4209 [0.5]
Politics of the Caucasus and Caspian Basin
EURR 4302 [0.5]
EU Summer Study Abroad
EURR 4303 [0.5]
Contemporary Europe: From Postwar to the European Union
EURR 4704 [0.5]
The Business Environment in Europe
EURR 4908 [1.0]
Honours Essay
No more than 2.0 credits from:
FREN 1100 [1.0]
Intermediate French
FREN 2100 [1.0]
Advanced French
– or other French courses relevant to the program, with the approval of the undergraduate supervisor
No more than 2.0 credits from:
GERM 2000 [0.5]
Reading in German I
GERM 2010 [0.5]
Second-Year German I
GERM 2020 [0.5]
Second-Year German II
GERM 2110 [1.0]
Intensive Second-Year German
GERM 3000 [0.5]
Reading in German II
GERM 3110 [1.0]
Intensive Third-Year German
GERM 4110 [1.0]
Intensive Fourth-Year German
FYSM 1405 [1.0]
Turning Points in History
HIST 1001 [1.0]
The Making of Europe
HIST 1002 [1.0]
Europe in the 20th Century
HIST 2102 [0.5]
Modern Thought and Culture: the Nineteenth Century
HIST 2103 [0.5]
Modern Thought and Culture: the Twentieth Century
HIST 2207 [1.0]
Nineteenth-Century Europe
HIST 2501 [0.5]
Early Modern Britain
HIST 2502 [0.5]
Modern Britain
HIST 2508 [0.5]
France since 1889
HIST 2510 [0.5]
19th-Century Germany
HIST 2511 [0.5]
20th-Century Germany
HIST 2600 [1.0]
History of Russia
HIST 2802 [0.5]
War and Society in Modern Europe, 1789-1914
HIST 2803 [0.5]
War and Society in Modern Europe, 1914-1950
HIST 3005 [0.5]
Medieval Aristocratic Life
HIST 3006 [0.5]
Medieval Religious Life
HIST 3007 [0.5]
Medieval Intellectual Life
HIST 3105 [0.5]
Renaissance Europe
HIST 3113 [0.5]
Revolution and Society in France, 1789-1799
HIST 3115 [0.5]
Youth and History
HIST 3213 [0.5]
The Enlightenment
HIST 3214 [0.5]
The Enlightenment and Its Aftermath
HIST 3217 [0.5]
Empire and Globalization
HIST 3604 [0.5]
Gender and Sexuality in Modern Europe
HIST 3714 [0.5]
Holocaust Encounters
HIST 3718 [0.5]
Germans and Jews
HIST 3800 [0.5]
International History 1914-41
HIST 3801 [0.5]
International History 1941-90
HIST 3902 [0.5]
Topics in European History
HIST 4100 [1.0]
Seminar in Early Modern European History
HIST 4200 [1.0]
Seminar in European History
HIST 4500 [1.0]
Seminar in British History
HIST 4600 [1.0]
Seminar in Russian History
No more than 2.0 credits from:
ITAL 2010 [0.5]
Second-Year Italian I
ITAL 2020 [0.5]
Second-Year Italian II
ITAL 2110 [1.0]
Intensive Second-Year Italian
ITAL 3110 [1.0]
Intensive Third-Year Italian
ITAL 4110 [1.0]
Intensive Fourth-Year Italian
LAWS 2601 [0.5]
Public International Law
LAWS 3604 [0.5]
International Organizations
MUSI 1001 [0.5]
A History of Western Classical Music: Medieval to the Present
MUSI 2103 [0.5]
Music in the Classical Era
MUSI 2104 [0.5]
Music in the Romantic Era
MUSI 2105 [0.5]
Twentieth-Century Music to World War II
PHIL 1610 [0.5]
Great Philosophical Ideas, Part 1
PHIL 1620 [0.5]
Great Philosophical Ideas, Part 2
PHIL 2101 [0.5]
History of Ethics
PHIL 2103 [0.5]
Philosophy of Human Rights
PHIL 2201 [0.5]
Introduction to Marxist Philosophy
PHIL 2202 [0.5]
Topics in Marxist Philosophy
PHIL 3002 [0.5]
17th Century Philosophy
PHIL 3003 [0.5]
18th Century Philosophy
PHIL 3005 [0.5]
19th Century Philosophy
PHIL 3009 [0.5]
Topics in European Philosophy
Political Science
PSCI 1200 [0.5]
World Politics
PSCI 2101 [0.5]
Comparative Politics of the Global North
PSCI 2601 [0.5]
International Relations: Global Politics
PSCI 2602 [0.5]
International Relations: Global Political Economy
PSCI 3608 [0.5]
Mobility and Migration
PSCI 3206 [0.5]
The Government and Politics of Western Europe
PSCI 3207 [0.5]
The Government and Politics of European Integration
PSCI 3208 [0.5]
Reform and Political Change in the Russian Federation
PSCI 3209 [0.5]
Reconstruction and Transformation in Europe and Eurasia
PSCI 3308 [0.5]
Modern Political Thought
PSCI 3309 [0.5]
Modern Ideologies
PSCI 3311 [0.5]
History of Muslim Political Thought
PSCI 3500 [0.5]
Gender and Politics: Global North
PSCI 3600 [0.5]
International Institutions
PSCI 3703 [0.5]
Governing in the Global Economy
PSCI 3704 [0.5]
Government and Politics of Central and Eastern Europe
PSCI 4103 [0.5]
The Modern State
PSCI 4501 [0.5]
Gender, Identity and Politics in Post-Communist Societies
PSCI 4502 [0.5]
Post-Soviet States and Societies
PSCI 4503 [0.5]
Politics of Central Eurasia
PSCI 4504 [0.5]
Politics of the Caucasus and Caspian Basin
PSCI 4505 [0.5]
Transitions to Democracy
PSCI 4601 [0.5]
Foreign Policies of Soviet Successor States
PSCI 4610 [0.5]
Politics of Migration Management
PSCI 4903 [0.5]
British Parliamentary Politics
PSCI 4904 [3.0]
Carleton-Leeds Parliamentary Internships (3.0 credits)
RELI 2320 [0.5]
Islam in the Modern World
RELI 3131 [0.5]
Judaism and Gender
RELI 3220 [0.5]
Reformation Europe
RELI 3732 [0.5]
Studies in Greek Art
RELI 3733 [0.5]
Studies in Roman Art
RELI 3140 [0.5]
Holocaust Encounters
RELI 3141 [0.5]
Germans and Jews
No more than 2.0 credits from:
RUSS 2010 [0.5]
Second-Year Russian I
RUSS 2020 [0.5]
Second-Year Russian II
RUSS 3010 [0.5]
Third-Year Russian I
RUSS 3020 [0.5]
Third-Year Russian II
RUSS 4010 [0.5]
Fourth-Year Russian I
RUSS 4020 [0.5]
Fourth-Year Russian II
RUSS 4115 [0.5]
Russian for Social Studies
RUSS 4120 [0.5]
Russian for Research
SOCI 2005 [1.0]
Classical Sociological Theory
No more than 2.0 credits from:
SPAN 2010 [0.5]
Second-Year Spanish I
SPAN 2020 [0.5]
Second-Year Spanish II
SPAN 2110 [1.0]
Intensive Second-Year Spanish
SPAN 3010 [0.5]
Third-Year Spanish I
SPAN 3020 [0.5]
Third-Year Spanish II
SPAN 3110 [1.0]
Intensive Third-Year Spanish
SPAN 4010 [0.5]
Fourth-Year Spanish I
SPAN 4020 [0.5]
Fourth-Year Spanish II
SPAN 4110 [1.0]
Intensive Fourth-Year Spanish