BGInS student, Inaara Jivraj, has found success during the uncertain times she has faced due to COVID-19. Although her original internship was cancelled, she was able to secure an internship position at UNA-Canada. Inaara was able to grow her skills in numerous ways despite these challenges, and can reflect on these opportunities as she continues through the BGInS program.

She had the pleasure to connect with Her Excellency Ines Copoolse, Ambassador of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Canada. Her Excellency reached out to Inaara to invite her and her supervisor from her volunteer role at the Aga Khan Development Network for a visit at her residence. Inaara was provided with the opportunity to discuss her plans for the future and participated in a flag raising ceremony to mark the 6th anniversary of the Sustainable Development Goals.

In early August, Inaara was also featured in the Aga Khan Foundation’s Newsletter where she wrote a piece covering the various initiatives she engaged with over the past year. In this article she reflects on her time working in a virtual environment, and how she used the virtual environment to her advantage.

This is Inaara’s second internship during her studies in the BGInS program. She completed her first internship virtually in the Fall 2020 term with the Cuala Foundation, an organization which strives to develop systems of self-care through culture.

Inaara is in her final term in the Globalization, Culture and Power Specialization in BGInS. For more details on Inaara’s experience please feel free to take a look at her LinkedIn.