The History Department is proud to congratulate the following History students:

  • Corbin James Williams (BA Honours in History) for winning the University Medal in Arts at the Undergraduate Level;
  • Siobhán B. Dundon (BA Combined Honours in History and Political Science) for winning the Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement at the Undergraduate Level;
  • Elizabeth Lina Karchut (BA Combined Honours in Communication Studies and History) for winning the Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement at the Undergraduate Level;
  • Tanyss Sharp (BA Honours in History) for winning the Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement at the Undergraduate Level;
  • Melissa Diane Armstrong for winning the Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement at the Doctoral Level.

They join recent History graduate student medal winners Jane Freeland (Spring 2016) and Sara Spike (Fall 2016).

Siobhán B. Dundon

Siobhán B. Dundon was previously named to the Deans’ Honour List for the 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16 academic years.

Elizabeth Lina Karchut

Elizabeth Lina Karchut was previously named to the Deans’ Honour List for the 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16 academic years.

Tanyss Sharp

In addition to winning one of the 4th year essay prizes at the Underhill Undergraduate Colloquium in 2017 for her essay entitled “Female Spiritual Journeys: Physical andVirtual Pilgrimage in Early Modern Europe”, Tanyss was also previously named to the Deans’ Honour List for the 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16 academic years.

Corbin Williams

Corbin Williams has been published in Making History Matter for his essay entitled “Venerable Gothic Architecture: From Medieval England to Modern Ottawa” and was previously awarded a 2015 Undergraduate Award for Academic Excellence. These awards recognize outstanding achievement in particular areas of historical study or overall achievement in a given year of the undergraduate program. He was also named to the Deans’ Honour List for the 2014-15 and 2015-16 academic years.

Melissa Armstrong

Melissa Armstrong Profile PictureUnder the supervision of Professor Susanne Klausen, Melissa Armstrong’s doctoral research concerns the provision of health care by the African National Congress (ANC) and its military wing, Umkhonto weSizwe (MK), during the struggle against apartheid in South Africa between 1963 and 1990. During this period the ANC and MK were exiled from South Africa, and in order to maintain unity and order in the exile movement and liberation struggle, the ANC developed a bureaucratic structure that included a health department. In the early 1960s, healthcare infrastructure was merely a simple clinic in rural Tanzania but by the late 1970s, the department had facilities and health delivery teams in Tanzania, Zambia, Angola, and Mozambique.

Melissa has also won previous honours including the prestigious Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship back in 2014. More details on her research and other accomplishments can be found on her profile page. Melissa has just been accepted into the College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan.

Click here to view the full list of award winners for this convocation session.

More details on the medals:

University Medal – Undergraduate Level
Awarded annually, when merited, to the graduating students standing highest in architectural studies, arts, commerce, computer science, engineering, humanities, industrial design, information technology, interfaculty studies, international business, journalism, mathematics, music, public affairs and policy management, science, and social work

Senate Medals for Outstanding Academic Achievement — Undergraduate
Awarded, when merited, to graduating students of outstanding academic achievement

Senate Medals for Outstanding Academic Achievement — Graduate
Awarded, when merited, to graduating students of outstanding academic achievement