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2016 T4 Slips Available

Notice to all employees:

The electronic information slips (T4 and T4A’s) produced by payroll for the 2016 tax year are now available on Carleton Central.

To access your tax information slips online, log into Carleton Central, click on the ‘Employee Services’ tab. From here, click on ‘Tax Forms,’ ‘Slips for Income Tax Return,’ select the year, and click on ‘Statement of Remuneration Paid,’ or ‘T4A – Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income.’ Next, select the drop-down menu to see if there are multiple T4’s/T4A’s. Click on the ‘Printable Version’ button, and select the ‘Pop-Up Blocked tab’ at the top of the browser and select ‘Temporarily Allow Pop-Ups.’

If you encounter any problems, viewing your tax information slips, please visit our frequently asked questions page or email

For employees who have not selected electronic delivery of payroll T4 and T4A information slips, the paper forms will be distributed during the week of February 21st.