Payroll Continuance
Carleton University respects the right of CUPE 4600 and its members to strike. Should a strike occur, members of CUPE 4600 (Units 1 and 2) have the legal right to withdraw their services from the university as early as March 27, 2023, at 12:01 a.m. until a tentative collective agreement is reached.
Employees also have the right to continue working. Employees are not legally compelled or required to join a strike called by the union and may choose to continue working. Those who chose to continue working will continue to be paid by Carleton. Employees who join the strike and are not working, will not receive any university pay.
Employees who continue to work must complete the Payroll Continuance form. To ensure that there is no interruption in pay, members of CUPE 4600 Units 1 and 2 must submit this form either before or on the first day of any strike action.
To ensure that there is no interruption in pay, members of CUPE 4600 (Units 1 and 2) must submit this form either before or on the first day of any strike action.
Note that should an employee choose to join the strike, they do have the option of returning to work and being paid for the duration of the strike. In this case, employees will need to submit the Payroll Continuance form indicating the actual date they returned to work.
How to Submit a Payroll Continuance Form
Accessing the Payroll Continuance Submission Form
1. Go to the Payroll Continuance form and sign in using your MC1 credentials.
Entering Criteria in Form
2. Select the department you are associated with from the Department drop-down menu.
*Note: If you do not see your department, please select the department you are currently enrolled in for your studies.
3. Confirm your job title (i.e., Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant, or Contract Instructor) in the Job Title field.

4. Select the Union Group you are associated with from the drop-down menu (Teaching Assistants: Unit 1 | Contract Instructors: Unit 2)

*Note: Members of CUPE 4600 – Unit 2 (Contract Instructors) will need to confirm that they will inform their students of their return to work.

5. Enter your Work Assignment details, indicating which course section(s) or office assignment(s) you will be returning to work.

6. Enter the date you are returning to work in the Date of Return field. If you are submitting this form before a strike has been called, please enter the date you are submitting the form.

7. Confirm that you acknowledge the date of return you have selected.

8. Submit your form.
Your submitted form will be sent to the Dean or your Faculty for review. Once they have approved your submission, your submission will be sent to our Payroll department for processing. No further action is required from you. You will receive notifications after the Dean has approved and after Payroll has completed processing.
Your Pay
If you submit this form either on or before the first day of a strike you will see no interruption in your pay. If you submit after the first day of the strike your payment may be delayed until the next pay date cycle.