Tuition Waiver Request Form Guide
As a Carleton University employee, you, your spouse, and your eligible dependents can take advantage of free tuition for courses at Carleton. See your Benefits at a Glance for Tuition Waiver Program eligibility.
Application Process
1. Register for your course(s) via Carleton Central.
2. After completing course registration, submit your request using our new Tuition Waiver Application (Online Submission Form). Be sure to do this before the deadline for the financial drop date of the term.
3. Our Benefits team will process your application and contact you if necessary.
Please contact the Registrar if you are unsure how to register for courses on Carleton Central.
Please contact Human Resources for more information on the Free Tuition Program.
Please contact Student Accounts for more information on when the benefit gets applied to the student account.
Submitting a Request Form
Student Information
If your spouse or eligible dependent is the student, please select their name from the dropdown list that appears. If you are applying for yourself, select your name.

Relationship to Staff Member
Select the type of relationship that best defines your relationship with the student.

Note: If the relationship between you and the student is one of the two options other than “Self”, the student will be required to confirm the relationship within the process – see Student Consent section.
Calendar Year and Term
Enter the year and term for your enrollment.

Employee Information
Select the type of your current employment status and check the acknowledgement box.
If you have any questions regarding your status, please contact Human Resources at
Create Your Submission
Before submitting your form, please be sure to read the important information about this program. By applying, you certify that you are employed/retired by Carleton University and qualify for such benefits and that the foregoing statements relating to the applicant are true in all material aspects.
Click “Create” to submit your form. You will receive an email confirming your submission.
All communication will be done through Jira by our Benefit Administrator. If you need to add a comment, you can click on “View Request” from the confirmation email you just received.

Student Consent
If you have added a student, the student will receive an email to your submission, and they will need to consent to your submission for the form to be processed. If the Student does not select an option, the form will idle and will not be processed.
By selecting student consent, the student agrees to the following:
The student understands that access to the Tuition Waiver Program will expire:
a) On the date the employee terminates employment.
b) The first day of the term during which a spousal applicant ceases to cohabitate with a qualifying employee.
c) The last day of the term during which a dependent child reaches their 26th birthday (or per collective agreement).
The student also understands that if they are unsuccessful in a course, they are not entitled to any further tuition waiver until an equivalent subsequent credit is earned at their own expense.
The student certifies that they are entitled to participate in the Tuition Waiver Program and recognizes that if they do not qualify for this benefit for any reason, they will be fully responsible for payment of the assessed fees.
Steps to Consent
1. In the email, click on “View request”.

2. Verify the information and if the information is correct, then click “Student Consent” under “More actions”.

3. You will receive another email with a message saying the “Student” changed the status to In Progress.
No Student Consent
If the Student chooses “No Student Consent”, the ticket will be closed, and you will receive an email confirming the ticket is now closed.
You will receive another email with a message saying the “Student” changed the status to No Student Consent.
Note: You will need to resubmit another ticket if the “No Student Consent” was accidentally chosen.
Status Types
In Progress
At this stage of the process, one of our Benefit Administrator will be processing your request on our end.
Your application has now been processed – your submission has either been approved or has been denied.
A comment will be added confirming the details of your application.
Your ticket will automatically close after the ticket has been sitting in the “Resolved” status for three days.
Important Information About This Program
The University reserves the right to refuse an application where it deems that the applicant does not satisfy the eligibility requirements.
This waiver does not cover supplementary fees, textbooks or other sundry/ancillary fees associated with student enrollment; these are the student’s responsibility. However, employees who are undertaking credit courses may be entitled to reimbursement under the External Training Policy (see Policy Manual Section C.4.1 (Part 3).)
In accordance with current income tax regulations, the value of the tuition waiver for a spouse or dependent is taxable to the student.
FIPPA Disclosure
The personal information requested on this form is collected in accordance with Sections 38(2) and 41(1) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), R.S.O. 1990, c.F.31 as amended. The information provided will not be used for any purposes other than those stated upon this form unless the applicant provides express written consent. Should you have any questions concerning your personal information, please contact Human Resources ( Carleton University is fully compliant with FIPPA and endeavours at all times to treat your personal information in accordance with this law.