Academic Advising: (Please note: you should receive a reply to your inquiry within 1-2 business days.)

1st Year Students First Year Support:
2nd, 3rd, 4th Year Students To book an Academic Advising Appointment please email:

General Inquiries:

Please note that the maeadvising email is used primarily to book appointments with the Advisor to discuss your questions/concerns. This gives the Advisor the appropriate amount of time to address the question, review your student audit and formulate a valid, accurate, and informed response. Appointments are made on a first request/first served basis.

During busy periods of the term, such as the weeks leading up to the registration deadlines and the withdrawal deadlines, there may be an additional wait time for an appointment so please take this into consideration when making your academic plans.

MAE Administration

Noreen Chalmers Undergraduate & Administrative Assistant
Irene Helder Departmental Administrator
Christine May Graduate Administrator: Sustainable Energy
Mackenzie Johnston Graduate Administrator: Mechanical, Aerospace, Materials, Biomedical


Edgar Matida Chair, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Abu Kabir Associate Chair, Graduate – M.A.Sc. & Ph.D.
Andrew Speirs Associate Chair, Graduate – MEng
Karen Taylor Associate Chair, Undergraduate Student Affairs – Academic Advising
Jason Etele Associate Chair, Undergraduate Policy & Planning
Jeremy Laliberté Associate Chair, Lab Operations
John Hayes Associate Chair, EDI and Wellness


Contact Form: