Department: | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering |
Degrees: | B.Sc., Hebei Univeristy of Technology M.Sc., Tianjin University Dr.-Ing., Universität Kaiserslautern |
Research Interests:
- Transport Phenomena in Micro-Scale Processes
- Direct Methanol Fuel Cells
- Micro Pulsating Heat Pipe
- Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer
- Heat Pump and Refrigeration
- Adsorption Process
Transport phenomena in micro-scale processes; two-phase flow and heat transfer; heat pumps and refrigeration; automobile air conditioning systems; sorptive refrigeration; solar air conditioning; waste-heat refrigeration; waste-heat power generation; renewable energy; energy systems; coal gasification
Automobile air conditioning systems; sorptive refrigeration; solar air conditioning; waste-heat refrigeration; waste-heat power generation; coal gasification
- Founder, Carleton Student Branch, ASHRAE
- Carleton University Research Achievement Award 2006
- PetroCanada Young Innovator Award 2007
Journal Articles
Liu Zheng-Xue, GanZhongxue,Gu Junjie, Song Qingfeng, One-Step Oxidizing of Benzene to Produce Eight High Value Compounds by using Nitric Acid and Hydrogen Peroxide, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, accepted, 2012
Zhang Jin-Li, He Zheng-Hua, Han You, Li Wei, Wu Jiang-Jie-Xing, Gan Zhong-Xue, Gu Jun-Jie. Investigation of Nucleation and Growth of Na2CO3 Clusters in Supercritical Water through Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Acta Phys. Chim. Sin., (on-line). doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB201205032, 2012
Linghui Zhu, Junjie Gu, Second law-based thermodynamic analysis of ammonia/sodium thiocyanate absorption system, Renewable Energy, 35 (2010) 1940–1946