February is Psychology Month! In order to celebrate, we would like to showcase our Department, and focus on enhancing well-being. With that in mind, we will be publishing “Psychology Insights”, wellness tips from our faculty member that contribute to coping strategies, stress reduction, building resilience, or generally enhancing well-being. Visit us on our website every Tuesday and Thursday this month for a new tip!

Faculty Member

Dr. Tim Pychyl


Want to enhance your well-being? Make progress on your goals!

Why it works: 

Over two decades of research has shown that progress on our goals, particularly goals that we feel are truly our own, enhances our well-being. Most importantly, this enhanced well-being increases subsequent goal engagement creating an upward spiral of well-being! In contrast, procrastination undermines our well-being leading to a downward spiral psychologically. Getting started, making progress on our goals (even a little), is an important route to enhanced well-being that primes the pump for even more engagement and happiness.

About Dr. Pychyl:

Dr. Pychyl has garnered an international reputation for his research on procrastination. In addition to his journal publications and books such as Solving the Procrastination Puzzle (2013, Penguin) and Procrastination, Health and Well-Being (Elsevier, 2016; co-authored with Fuschia Sirois, University of Sheffield), Tim has produced the iProcrastinate podcast (iTunes) and the Don’t Delay blog for Psychology Today (see procrastination.ca).  Tim’s research is complemented by his passion for teaching for which he has won numerous awards including the 3M National Teaching Fellowship, the Ontario Faculty Associations Teaching Award, and the University Medal for Distinguished Teaching.