Pride Festival 2023 has now concluded!

Event organizers are invited to complete a Post Event Feedback Form to reflect on how they felt their event went and to describe potential improvements for their event in the future. Thank you to everyone who hosted an event for Pride Festival 2023!

2023 – Pride Festival Planning Coordinator

The 2023 Pride Festival Planning Coordinator is a part-time student role in the Student Experience Office and is supported by a team of volunteers.

2023 Pride Festival Planning Coordinator

Pride Festival Advisory Committee

The Pride Festival Advisory Committee consists of 14 campus partners with representatives who are either members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community or allies with expertise in events and educational programming. The Pride Festival Advisory Committee participates in 3-4 meetings throughout the summer term to provide support, guidance, and expertise to the Pride Festival Planning Committee.

  1. The Department of Equity and Inclusive Communities
  2. Centre for Indigenous Support and Community Engagement
  3. Housing & Residence Life Services
  4. The Rideau River Residence Association
  5. Carleton University Student Association
  6. Gender & Sexual Resource Centre (CUSA Centre)
  7. Carleton Graduate Student Association
  8. Health & Counselling Services
  9. Pride Society (New Student Group)
  10. Campus Safety Services
  11. University Advancement
  12. Carleton Recreation & Athletics
  13. Faculty of Arts and Social Science
  14. Sprott School of Business

Please contact with any question or inquires.