Masako Hirotani wants to examine your brain.  The professor of linguistics and cognitive science is researching how the brain turns sound into language.

Hirotani, director of the Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience: Language and Brain (CCN.LaB), is looking for volunteers to participate in research that will help scientists understand how brain structure and wiring changes and evolves with age.

Volunteers must be between the ages of 55 – 65 years, native English speakers with no history of speaking or hearing difficulty or a sign of neurological disorder. Participants must also be right-handed.

While this last requirement may seem odd, right or left handedness is controlled by the brain’s hemispheres. In this case, Hirotani and her team of researchers will be zeroing in on the left side of the brain which controls both language and the right side of the body.

Participants will be asked to listen to computer generated sounds and then respond to the sounds they hear using a gamepad. The experiment itself is a half hour long, although volunteers will spend a total of two hours in the lab for preparation and de-briefing.

If you meet the criteria and are interested in volunteering please contact