Well done Codie Fortin Lalonde and her awesome organizing committee (Matt Falconer, Alex Ross, Brent Campagnola, and Kirsten Paula) for putting together such a smoothly-run, well-attended, and super-informative symposium held yesterday in the Carleton Discovery Centre.

The theme of this year’s symposium was “Beyond Boundaries: Navigating interdisciplinary perspectives in ALDS” and included both presentations/Q&A discussions with keynote panelists (Dr. Janna Fox, Dr. Eva Kartchava, and Dr. Graham Smart), and a poster session with contributions from more than a dozen graduate students.

Topics addressed by the posters did well to cover the breadth of the discipline from teachers’ decision-making and pedagogical uses of gesture to formulaic language, speech fluency in testing, perspectives on discourse in various high stakes contexts, and more.

Click below to see some photos from the event.