Erin Bidlake

In 2005 I completed my MA in Applied Language Studies at Carleton University. My MA research explored self-instructed language learning using commercial audio packages. After taking a year off from my studies to teach EFL in Japan, this interest in self-instruction led me to Newcastle University, UK, where I began my PhD in Education and Applied Linguistics in 2006. My PhD research grew out of my MA research – again exploring self-instructed language learning – but this time focusing on commercial CALL (computer-assisted language learning) packages. As a PhD candidate I had the opportunity to truly follow my interests and I was fortunate enough to attend international conferences in the UK, Greece, and the US. Since completing my PhD in 2010 (and having a baby in 2009!), I have been working as a Research Consultant in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa, and most recently I have been working as a Contract Instructor in the School of Linguistics and Language Studies at Carleton University.

(Last updated: January 20, 2012)