Dear Colleagues, Friends, Former Students,

In memory of Dr. Lynne Young who passed away in November 2018, we would like to start a campaign to solicit donations towards establishing an award in her name. Since Dr. Young was strongly interested in the issues and progress of graduate students we feel it to be most appropriate  to establish an award in her name focusing on a student in the Graduate Program (Master’s or PhD) within the Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies (ALDS) unit of the School of Linguistics and Language Studies (SLaLS).  Our goal is to amass sufficient funds so that we can present a yearly award of $1000 for at least five years.

Please visit the Future Funder website for more information on Lynne Young’s academic and professional career and about how to donate to the award in her name.

The award will be announced at the annual Graduate Symposium typically held in the winter term.

Thank you for your consideration. We sincerely appreciate any donations to honour the memory of this remarkable woman.
