At the FASS’ annual vin d’honneur celebration on March 20, 2019, this year’s FASS award winners were recognized. As always, SLaLS did really well thanks to several colleagues’ innovative and cutting-edge research. Please join us in congratulating the following winners:

Erik and Michael Brklacich (Associate Dean: Research, Graduate and International Affairs)

Erik Anonby won a FASS Research Excellence Award 2019: “Understanding the ‘other’ Iran through language diversity and history”

Beth and Michael Brklacich (Associate Dean: Research, Graduate and International Affairs)

Beth MacLeod won a FASS Early Career Research Award 2019-2020: “Phonetic imitation of Spanish vowels: the combined-analysis method”

As well, a SLaLS-led research cluster won Carleton’s 2019 Multi-Researcher Catalyst Fund (MRCF) Competition, with the topic, “Digital Tools for Documentation and Renewal of Global Endangered Languages.”  This project, which will enable the preparation of a major grant application within the next year, involves collaboration across several units at Carleton: SLaLS, School of Indigenous and Canadian Studies, Geography and Environmental Studies, School of Computer Science (SCS), and School of Information Technology (CSIT). Within SLaLS, the team includes Drs. Erik Anonby and Kumiko Murasugi (co-PIs), and Drs. Lev Blumenfeld, Christopher Cox, Jaffer Sheyholislami, and Ida Toivonen.