Writing and Genre (WaG) Research Group Meeting

  • When: Monday, May 13, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. to noon.
  • Where: 402 MacOdrum Library

The Writing and Genre (WaG) Research Group invites all interested students and faculty to join in.

The WaG Research Group is dedicated to a scholarly discussion of writing and genre research, including but not limited to published research, work-in-progress, and dry runs of conference presentations. The group meets once a month. Relevant literature may be circulated in advance of a meeting. The Group Organizing Committee includes Organizers, Matthew Falconer and  Jacquie Ballantine, and Secretary, Dr. Katie Bryant.

The presentations for the May, 2019 meeting are as follows:

  • Matthew Falconer will speak on “Recontextualizing science for policymakers: A rhetorical analysis of the Council of Canadian Academies report for Transport Canada”, and
  • Kathryn Carreau will speak on “I’m NOT A MONSTER”: A corpus-based genre analysis of school shooter notes.