There was a great presence of Carleton University people at the TESL Ottawa Winter PD Conference. It was held at Algonquin College on Saturday, February 8, 2020. Carleton was represented in the audience and the presenters. Dr. Geoffrey Pinchbeck gave the first plenary on “Using diagnostic vocabulary tests and text analysis software to match learners to level-appropriate input texts in ESL materials development”. This was followed by a very interesting and well-attended workshop.

Dr. Michael Rodgers gave the second plenary on “Considerations for setting up an Extensive Viewing program”. Dr. Rodgers followed this with a workshop on a related topic.  The other afternoon workshop was presented by Alisa Zavialova on “An innovative approach to teaching formulaic expressions for enhancing L2 pragmatic competence in the language classroom”.

Group of participants at TESL Ottawa gathering

SLaLS folks joined by some other conference attendees.