Retired and not available for graduate supervision.
Research Interests
- Discourse analysis – of talk and texts as elements of socially coordinated action.
- “Social practice” studies in adult literacy – of literacy-in-use as both individual activity and social relations; of literate genres in teaching and politics.
- Institutional ethnography – of learning/teaching experiences as structured by and for discourses and regulations of language/literacy education.
Current course information for this faculty member can be found by searching the Carleton Central/Public Schedule by Term and Name.
Courses previously taught
- ALDS 3706: Discourse Analysis,
- ALDS 5001: Directions in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies
- ALDS 4906 / ALDS 5606: Adult Literacy Practices and Learning
- ALDS 5409: Policy and Practice in Language and Literacy Education, (formerly LALS 5409)
Recent Publications
2009 Knowing Literacy for Teaching, Testing Literacy for Policy: Literacy Workers and a Survey of Reading Skills. In Carpenter, Sara, Marilyn Laiken and Shahrzad Mojab, eds., Spaces/Places: Exploring the Boundaries of Adult Education. Proceedings, Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, 65-71. Carleton University, Ottawa. Also at
2009 Literacy as practices, teaching as alignment: A message in a bottle. Literacies: Researching Practice, Practising Research.
2007 (with Janna Fox, Natasha Artemeva, and Devon Woods) Juggling Through Hoops: Implementing Ethics Policies in Applied Language Studies. Journal of Academic Ethics .
2003 Practical knowledge and research knowledge of the adult literacy process. Charting the Learning Society. Proceedings, Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, Dalhousie University, Halifax. Also at
2002 Policy, accountability and practice in adult literacy: Sketching an institutional ethnography. In Shahrzad Mojab and William McQueen (eds.), Adult Education and the Contested Terrain of Public Policy. Proceedings, Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, University of Toronto. Also at
2001 Adult literacy as social relations: A democratic theorizing. Recovering Our Stories, Rallying to Change. Proceedings, Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, Université Laval, Québec. Also at
1999, Knowledges of Adult Literacy: Surveying for Competitiveness, International Journal of Educational Development 19, 273-85.