CSPSC 50th Anniversary Lunch

January 16, 2025 at 12:00 PM to 2:30 PM

Location:2220-2224-2228 Richcraft Hall

Please join the Centre for Studies on Poverty and Social Citizenship (CSPSC) and the School of Social Work as we celebrate the Centre’s 50th anniversary.  You are invited to join us for lunch and a keynote address delivered by Natalie Appleyard from Citizens for Public Justice, followed by a Q&A session.

Natalie Appleyard (she/her) is the Socio-Economic Policy Analyst for Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ), an organization “inspired by faith to act for justice”. CPJ seeks to equip and mobilize communities and individuals across the country to advocate for just policies in the areas of poverty, refugee and migrant rights, and ecological justice using intersectional, rights-based approaches. Natalie uses her background in education to help convene, share knowledge, and build solidarity among a variety of communities and organizations. She is a co-convenor of the We Go Together Network, a member of the Steering Committee for Campaign 2000 and Board member of the Canadian Health Coalition, and represents CPJ on the Canadian Council of Churches’ Commission on Justice and Peace.

CSPSC 50th Anniversary Lunch & Keynote with Natalie Appleyard

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