Whether you have a simple question about technology or need in-depth support on pedagogical issues, the team at Teaching and Learning Services works to ensure you get the support you need.

Digital Learning
Key services: Technology enhanced teaching and online learning (Brightspace, Zoom, cuPortfolio, Kaltura/MediaSpace, H5P, Poll Everywhere), media production, video production, podcasting, immersive and virtual reality.
Learning Spaces
Key services: Learning space design, classroom technology support and maintenance, classroom orientations, A/V equipment loans for instructional and research purposes, Active Learning Classrooms, KM Theatre

Teaching Excellence and Innovation
Key services: Teaching development, course design, assessment design and analysis, experiential and immersive learning (I-CUREUS and Students as Partners Program), Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Future Learning Lab, teaching strategies, award and grant application support

Audio Visual Event Support
Key services: In-person event support, online event support (zoom webinars and advanced online broadcasts), small and advanced hybrid event support, A/V technician support