In celebration of International Women’s Day, BGInS wants to shine a light on the the remarkable achievements and contributions of women within our community.

One of these amazing women is Rebekah Dagenais, a dedicated student within the Bachelor of Global and International Studies Program at Carleton University. Currently in her fourth year, Rebekah specializes in Global Inequalities and Social Change. Throughout her academic journey, she has demonstrated a commitment to advocating for the marginalized and oppressed.

This semester, Rebekah had the opportunity to participate in a practicum placement with the non-profit organization, Street Smarts. Here, she engaged in invaluable outreach efforts and contributed to resource development initiatives. Through this hands-on experience, she actively engaged with individuals within the Ottawa community, particularly those facing the harsh realities of homelessness and grappling with issues of addiction, mental health, and more.

Notably, Rebekah showed courage and compassion in her work, having directly intervened to save a life through the administration of a Naloxone treatment to prevent an opioid overdose. Her actions underscore the critical role that women play in crisis intervention and community support. Balancing her academic pursuits with meaningful community engagement, Rebekah has emerged as a beacon of hope and inspiration for us all.

Happy International Women’s Day!