Cost: All IER options require students to pay tuition.  After that, costs can vary significantly.  The approximate range of costs is:

  • Very low (less than $1,000): Students pay tuition only.
  • Low ($2,000-3,000): Students pay tuition, plus overseas travel and food.
  • Medium ($3,500-4,500): Students pay tuition, plus overseas travel, accommodation and food.
  • High (more than $5,000): Students pay tuition, plus overseas travel and full living expenses.

NOTE: All BGInS students are eligible to receive funding to support their travel costs from the IER Bursary.

International Exchange:

High Cost (more than $5,000): Students pay tuition, plus overseas travel and full living expenses overseas.

Note: For the term(s) that you are overseas, you pay your tuition to Carleton.

International Placement:

Placements in Ottawa:

Very Low Cost (less than $1,000): Students pay tuition only.

Placements outside Canada:

High Cost (more than $5,000): Students pay tuition, plus overseas travel and full living expenses overseas.

Letter of Permission:

High Cost (more than $5,000): Students pay tuition, plus overseas travel and full living expenses overseas.Note: For the term(s) that you are overseas, you pay your tuition to the host university.

GINS 3200, Experiential Learning Abroad:

Medium Cost ($3,500-4,500): Students pay tuition, plus overseas travel, accommodation and food.

Carleton Course Taught Abroad:

Low Cost ($2,000-3,000): Students pay tuition, plus overseas travel and food. Carleton pays accommodation and local travel costs overseas.

GINS 3100: Global and International Group Project:

Very Low Cost (less than $1,000): Students pay tuition only.