EURR 4302, EU Summer Study Abroad 2020 (0.5 credit)

The European Study Tour takes place May to June, 2020 (exact dates TBA), gives students the opportunity to study European institutions IN European institutions. Participants have “face to face” contact and dialogue with presenters and seminar leaders actively involved in the day to day work of the EU, other European institutions, diplomatic representations to the EU (including Canada) and significant civil society organizations. Students will attend briefings at the following institutions:

  • European Union: European Commission, Council of Ministers, European Parliament, European Court of Justice, European Central Bank
  • Ambassadorial organizations: Canadian Mission to the EU, Quebec General Delegation to the EU, delegations from Turkey and Russia
  • International Organizations: NATO, European Court of Human Rights
  • Non-Governmental Organizations

More information regarding the EU Study Tour is available here.

Preparatory sessions are held prior to this at Carleton. This is an excellent opportunity for BGInS students to fulfill their International Experience Requirement. It will be of particular interest to students registered in the Specialization in Europe and Russia in the World.

For over a decade, the Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies has been an active participant in the EU Summer Study Abroad. This 3 week course is organized by a consortium of Canadian universities.   Students visit the main institutions of the European Union in Brussels, and may include visits to  Strasbourg, Frankfurt, and Luxembourg.

Course Prerequisites:

Students are required to have third year standing at the time of the course and to have permission of the Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (EURUS) to register for the course. To grant permission, EURUS would normally require previous course work on the European Union (e.g., EURR 2001 and EURR 2002). Opening of applications to the Tour occurs in late fall term for the following summer and will be announced to BGInS students. The deadline for applications is usually sometime in January.

Note: This program also allows for an add-on unpaid international placement/internship in Europe after completion of the course. Placements are awarded and allocated based on an application procedure and are not guaranteed. The placements are generally 8 weeks – 12 weeks in duration at EU institutions, NGOs, or other relevant organizations.  For further information on the placements, please contact EURUS.