Alec Verch – Specialization in Migration and Diaspora

As someone who has always had an interest in unpacking complex global problems, deciding to pursue my Bachelors of Global and International Studies (BGInS) with a specialization in Migration and Diaspora, felt like the perfect opportunity to explore this curiosity in greater depth and to develop a more globally conscious perspective on contemporary world issues. Despite the self-assurance that led me to pursue my degree at Carleton however, I entered the first year with a sense that my unpolished research and writing skills may hinder my ability to keep up with the rest of the class. Thanks to the tremendous instruction I have received from the BGInS core and affiliated faculty over the past four years, I have developed so much more confidence in my capabilities as a scholar-in-training.

Recently, I had the opportunity to put my research and writing skills to the test as I entered a research paper entitled “Who is protecting LGBTI persons of concern? Examining the factors that explain the low level of implementation of the UNHCR’s AGD policy in the MENA region” to the Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS) 2020 Student Essay Contest. Being selected by the CARFMS as a runner-up in the undergraduate category and having the opportunity to publish my work on their website has affirmed to me that I made the right choice in choosing to pursue a BGInS degree.