1. Who qualifies as an eligible dependent?
  2. Canada Life Admin
  3. Coverage
  4. Travel

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about Benefits at Carleton.

Who qualifies as an eligible dependent?

Employee’s Eligible Spouse:
The employee’s spouse is eligible if he or she is the employee’s legal spouse, common-law spouse, or former spouse when mandated by the family court. A common-law spouse is deemed eligible if they have been cohabitating for 12 consecutive months.

Employee’s Eligible Children:
A child is eligible if he or she is the employee’s eligible spouse’s unmarried natural, legally-adopted, or step / foster child, for whom the employee or employee’s eligible spouse has been appointed legal guardians, and who are:

  • under age 21,
  • under age 25, if they are full-time students and depend on the employee for support, or
  • of any age, if mentally or physically disabled and incapable of self-support, provided the disability began before they turned 21 or while they were full-time students under age 25, and the disability has been continuous since then, and
  • natural children of the employee’s daughter, if she is under age 21 and meets the definition of a dependent as defined above.

Canada Life Admin



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