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New Continuing and Term Employee FAQ

Any questions or concerns should be first directed to FAQ pages.


How do I enroll in or make changes to my benefits?

To enroll or change benefits information, fill in a Group Coverage Change Form and submit it to Benefits Services in Human Resources.

Upon hire or loss of benefits coverage from another provider, you have 31 days to enroll in the Carleton plans. Late enrollment for any other reason will require that you provide evidence of insurability and will limit your dental benefits to $250 per person for the first year.

Up to what age are my children covered under the plan?

Dependents are covered under the plan until they reach the age of 21.

If your dependents are registered full time in school they will be covered until age 25. Proof of registration must be forwarded to the Benefits Specialist at the beginning of each school year to ensure coverage continues.

Who do I contact if there are changes to the dependents covered under my health/dental plan?

Notify your Benefits Specialist of new dependents, changes in your marital status, etc. We will update your records with Canada Life.


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