- Carleton Undergraduate Courses Taught
- Carleton Graduate Courses Taught
- Graduate Students Completed
- Technical Interests
Carleton Undergraduate Courses Taught
- ECOR 1010, Introduction to Engineering.
- MAAE 2001, Engineering Graphical Design.
- MAAE 2101, Engineering Dynamics.
- MAAE 2202, Mechanics of Solids I.
- MAAE 3004, Dynamics of Machinery.
- MAAE 3901, Mech & Aero Engineering Lab.
- AERO 4003, Aerospace Systems Design.
- MECH 4503, Introduction to Robotics, “Lecture Notes”
- MECH 4805, Measurement and Data Systems.
- MAAE 4907, Carleton University Simulator Project.
- ECOR 4995, Professional Practice.
Carleton Graduate Courses Taught
- MECH 5305, Robotics.
- BIOM 5315, Biomedical Robotics.
- MECH 5501, Advanced Dynamics.
- MECH 5507, Advanced Kinematics.
Lecture Notes:
Chapter 1, Introduction;
Chapter 2, Rigid Body Displacements;
Chapter 3, Kinematic Analysis;
Chapter 4, Type, Number, and Dimensional Synthesis;
Chapter 5, Geometry;
Chapter 6; Analytic Projective Geometry,
Chapter 7, Computing Gröbner Bases;
Chapter 8, New Methods for Kinematic Synthesis.
Lecture on 4R Algebraic IO Equation Derivation: 4R Algebraic I-O Equation.
Presentation on Continuous Approximate Synthesis Using Freudenstein: Continuous Approximate Synthesis of Planar Function-generators Minimising The Design Error.
Presentation on Multii-Modal Synthesis Using Algebraic IO Equations: Multi-modal Continuous Approximate Algebraic Input-output Synthesis of Planar Four-bar Function Generators.
Lecture on Kinematic Calibration: Kinematic Calibration.
Lecture on Kinematic Mapping Applications: Kinematic Mapping Applications.
Graduate Students Completed
- Zachary A. Copeland, Ph.D., April 16, 2024, Continuous Approximate Kinematic Synthesis of Planar, Spherical, and Spatial Four-bar Function Generating Mechanisms.
- Mirja Rotzoll, Ph.D., May 03, 2023, Algebraic Input-output Equations of Four-bar Kinematic Chains: Planar; Spherical; Spatial.
- James D. Robinson, Ph.D., May 17, 2012, Algebraic Screw Pairs.
- Abraham Weiss, Ph.D., November 02, 2010, Generalized Mathematical Modelling of a Novel Singularity-free Class of Six Degree of Freedom Motion Platform.
- Pranchalee Poonyapak, Ph.D., May 07, 2010, Predictive Model for Temperature-induced Deformation of Robot Mechanical Systems.
- Alexis Gigue, Ph.D., December 22, 2009, Multiobjective Kinematic Trajectory Planning: an Application to the Captive Trajectory Simulation (CTS) System.
- Mikayla Micomonaco, 2019, Large Angle Washout Algorithms for Flight Simulators.
- Erin J.E. Austen, 2019, Development of Kinematic and Dynamic Models for the Argo J5 Rover.
- Zachary A. Copeland, 2017, A Completely Generalized and Algorithmic Approach to Identifying the Maximum Area Inscribing Ellipse of an Asymmetric Convex Quadrangle.
- Katie DiCola, 2016, Kinematic Calibration of Serial Robots.
- Chao-Chia (David) Lu, 2014, Relative Measurements for Kinematic Calibration.
- Stefan Radacina Rusu, 2011, winner of the University Medal for Research at the Master’s Level, Real-time Localization in Large-scale Underground Environments Using RFID-based Node Maps.
- Andrew Dobson, 2010, Geometric Form Finding Method for Prismatic Tensegrity Systems.
- Jesse Linseman, 2010, A UKF-based Orientation Estimator for the Atlas Platform.
- Beverly Bradley, 2008, The Design, Implementation, and Validation of a 3D Laser Light-sectioning Scanner for Biomedical Purposes.
- James D. Robinson, 2008, Direct and Inverse Kinematics of a New Class of Serial-parallel Hybrid Manipulator.
- Nicholas Spooner, 2006, Surgical Robotics – Visually Autonomous Cauterization System (VACS) Conceptual Design.
- Timothy J. Luu, 2005, Integrated Type and Approximate Dimensional Synthesis of Four-bar Planar Mechanisms for Rigid Body Guidance.
- Andrew A. Fratpietro, 2004, Relative Measurement for Kinematic Calibration Using Digital Image Processing.
- Nicholas W. Simpson, 2004, Kinematic Calibration of Six-axis Serial Robots Using the Relative Measurement Concept.
- Monarch Vyas, 2013, Matlab GUI for Synthesis of Four-bar Planar Mechanisms for Rigid Body Guidance.
- John B. Holland, 2005, Dynamics of Spherical Linkages.
- Xiaobin Wang, 2005, Dynamics of Flexible Multi-body Systems.
Undergraduate Research Assistants
- Allyssia (Ally) Colla, 2025, Chebyshev-Grübler-Kutzbach Mobility Criterion Revisited.
- Sydney M. Shelp, 2024, MAAE 3004, Dynamics of Machinery Course Pack.
- Twe Tar O. Hninn, 2023-2024, Extreme Angular Velocity and Acceleration Implications for Maximum Shaking Force and Moment in 4R Four-bar Linkages.
- Beatrix Levin, 2021, Differential Kinematics of Spherical 4R Four-bar Linkages.
- Quinn Bucciol, 2021, Generating More Than One Function with a Single Planar Four-bar Linkage.
- Atena Iraei, 2021, Differential Kinematics of Planar Four-bar Linkages Using the Algebraic IO Equation.
- Alia Nichol, 2021, Velocity and Acceleration Ratio Extrema of Planar Four-bar Linkages Using the Algebraic IO Equation.
- Mohammad Almalak, 2021, Tensegrity-based Double Tetrahedron Cable-actuated Motion Platform.
- Senah Qwai, 2020-2021, Exploring Trends in Psychological and Social Barriers to Success in Online Learning for Undergraduate Engineering Students Split Along Biological Sex Lines.
- Alia Nichol, 2020-2021, Kinematic Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanical Systems.
- Fyriale Bolo, 2017, Sternal Wire Torque Wrench Design and Analysis.
- Owen Roberts, 2010, Algebraic Screw Pair Prototype.
- Craig Clanachan, 2009, The Contact Curve Between an Omni-wheel and a Sphere.
- Christine Harkness, 2008, An Optical Method for Estimating the Orientation of a Sphere.
- Andrew Matheson, 2008, Rotation Characteristics of an Omni-wheel.
- Fraser Howden, 2006, Multibody Dynamic System Force Analysis.
- Jordan McIntosh, 2006, Dynamic Deformation in a Reciprocating Flexible Beam.
- Gordon Wynn, 2006, Measuring Omni-wheel Induced Vibration and Slip.
- Janelle Zeeb, 2006, Motion Capture of the Tennis Serve.
- Andrey Zakurdaev, 2006, Temperature Induced Deformation in Mechanical Systems.
- Janelle Zeeb, 2005, MAAE 5507 Lecture Notes.
- Tabassum Aziz, 2005, Repeatability of Industrial Robots.
- Tabassum Aziz, 2004, Pro/E Manual for Rapid Prototyping.
- Umer Ahmed, 2004, Patent Application for Novel Actuation for Orientation Control.
- Tabassum Aziz, 2003, State-of-the-art in 3D Printers.
- Sean McTavish, 2003, Interactive Software-based Training Environment for Design.
- Marc-André Müller, 2003, Descriptive Geometry Applications to Mechanical Systems.
- Andrea Bajaj and Charles Boivin, 1998, Kinetics of a 3-legged Platform with Holonomic Higher Pairs.
- John Chan and Jonathan Shum, 1997, Kinematics of a 3-legged Platform with Holonomic Higher Pairs.
Internship-Carleton University Research Experience for Undergraduate Students (I-CUREUS)
- Atena Iraei, 2021, Velocity and Acceleration Ratios in Planar Four-bar Linkages.
- Alia Nichol, 2020-2021, Design Parameter Space of Planar RRRP Linkages.
Student as Partner Program (SaPP) Undergraduate Students
- Sydney M. Shelp, 2024, MAAE 3004, Dynamics of Machinery Course Pack.
- Senah Qwai, 2021, Exploring Trends in Psychological and Social Barriers to Success in Online Learning for Undergraduate Engineering Students Split Along Biological Sex Lines.
- Alia Nichol, 2020, MAAE 3004, Dynamics of Machinery: Project Development and Testing; Project Notes.
Technical Interests
- Geometry: algebraic geometry; descriptive geometry; discrete geometry; combinatorial group theory.
- Kinematic geometry: kinematic mapping; dual quaternions; screw theory.
- Mathematics: Grassmannian formulations; Gröbner basis theory; abstract algebra (commutative ring, ideal, variety theory).
- Metrology and instrumentation.
- Industrial process automation.
- Mechatronics.