1. Carleton Undergraduate Courses Taught
  2. Carleton Graduate Courses Taught
  3. Graduate Students Completed
    1. Ph.D.
    2. M.A.Sc.
    3. M.Eng.
    4. Undergraduate Research Assistants
    5. Internship-Carleton University Research Experience for Undergraduate Students (I-CUREUS)
    6. Student as Partner Program (SaPP) Undergraduate Students
  4. Technical Interests

Carleton Undergraduate Courses Taught

  1. ECOR 1010, Introduction to Engineering.
  2. MAAE 2001, Engineering Graphical Design.
  3. MAAE 2101, Engineering Dynamics.
  4. MAAE 2202, Mechanics of Solids I.
  5. MAAE 3004, Dynamics of Machinery.
  6. MAAE 3901, Mech & Aero Engineering Lab.
  7. AERO 4003, Aerospace Systems Design.
  8. MECH 4503, Introduction to Robotics, “Lecture Notes”
  9. MECH 4805, Measurement and Data Systems.
  10. MAAE 4907, Carleton University Simulator Project.
  11. ECOR 4995, Professional Practice.

Carleton Graduate Courses Taught

  1. MECH 5305, Robotics.
  2. BIOM 5315, Biomedical Robotics.
  3. MECH 5501, Advanced Dynamics.
  4. MECH 5507, Advanced Kinematics.

    Lecture Notes: 
    Chapter 1, Introduction
    Chapter 2, Rigid Body Displacements
    Chapter 3, Kinematic Analysis
    Chapter 4, Type, Number, and Dimensional Synthesis
    Chapter 5, Geometry
    Chapter 6; Analytic Projective Geometry
    Chapter 7, Computing Gröbner Bases
    Chapter 8, New Methods for Kinematic Synthesis.
    Lecture on 4R Algebraic IO Equation Derivation: 4R Algebraic I-O Equation.
    Presentation on Continuous Approximate Synthesis Using Freudenstein: Continuous Approximate Synthesis of Planar Function-generators Minimising The Design Error.
    Presentation on Multii-Modal Synthesis Using Algebraic IO Equations: Multi-modal Continuous Approximate Algebraic Input-output Synthesis of Planar Four-bar Function Generators.
    Lecture on Kinematic Calibration: Kinematic Calibration.
    Lecture on Kinematic Mapping Applications: Kinematic Mapping Applications.

Graduate Students Completed


  1. Zachary A. Copeland, Ph.D., April 16, 2024, Continuous Approximate Kinematic Synthesis of Planar, Spherical, and Spatial Four-bar Function Generating Mechanisms.
  2. Mirja Rotzoll, Ph.D., May 03, 2023, Algebraic Input-output Equations of Four-bar Kinematic Chains: Planar; Spherical; Spatial.
  3. James D. Robinson, Ph.D., May 17, 2012, Algebraic Screw Pairs.
  4. Abraham Weiss, Ph.D., November 02, 2010, Generalized Mathematical Modelling of a Novel Singularity-free Class of Six Degree of Freedom Motion Platform.
  5. Pranchalee Poonyapak, Ph.D., May 07, 2010, Predictive Model for Temperature-induced Deformation of Robot Mechanical Systems.
  6. Alexis Gigue, Ph.D., December 22, 2009, Multiobjective Kinematic Trajectory Planning: an Application to the Captive Trajectory Simulation (CTS) System.


  1. Mikayla Micomonaco, 2019, Large Angle Washout Algorithms for Flight Simulators.
  2. Erin J.E. Austen, 2019, Development of Kinematic and Dynamic Models for the Argo J5 Rover.
  3. Zachary A. Copeland, 2017, A Completely Generalized and Algorithmic Approach to Identifying the Maximum Area Inscribing Ellipse of an Asymmetric Convex Quadrangle.
  4. Katie DiCola, 2016, Kinematic Calibration of Serial Robots.
  5. Chao-Chia (David) Lu, 2014, Relative Measurements for Kinematic Calibration.
  6. Stefan Radacina Rusu, 2011, winner of the University Medal for Research at the Master’s LevelReal-time Localization in Large-scale Underground Environments Using RFID-based Node Maps.
  7. Andrew Dobson, 2010, Geometric Form Finding Method for Prismatic Tensegrity Systems.
  8. Jesse Linseman, 2010, A UKF-based Orientation Estimator for the Atlas Platform.
  9. Beverly Bradley, 2008, The Design, Implementation, and Validation of a 3D Laser Light-sectioning Scanner for Biomedical Purposes.
  10. James D. Robinson, 2008, Direct and Inverse Kinematics of a New Class of Serial-parallel Hybrid Manipulator.
  11. Nicholas Spooner, 2006, Surgical Robotics – Visually Autonomous Cauterization System (VACS) Conceptual Design.
  12. Timothy J. Luu, 2005, Integrated Type and Approximate Dimensional Synthesis of Four-bar Planar Mechanisms for Rigid Body Guidance.
  13. Andrew A. Fratpietro, 2004, Relative Measurement for Kinematic Calibration Using Digital Image Processing.
  14. Nicholas W. Simpson, 2004, Kinematic Calibration of Six-axis Serial Robots Using the Relative Measurement Concept.


  1. Monarch Vyas, 2013, Matlab GUI for Synthesis of Four-bar Planar Mechanisms for Rigid Body Guidance.
  2. John B. Holland, 2005, Dynamics of Spherical Linkages.
  3. Xiaobin Wang, 2005, Dynamics of Flexible Multi-body Systems.

Undergraduate Research Assistants

  1. Allyssia (Ally) Colla, 2025, Chebyshev-Grübler-Kutzbach Mobility Criterion Revisited.
  2. Sydney M. Shelp, 2024, MAAE 3004, Dynamics of Machinery Course Pack.
  3. Twe Tar O. Hninn, 2023-2024, Extreme Angular Velocity and Acceleration Implications for Maximum Shaking Force and Moment in 4R Four-bar Linkages.
  4. Beatrix Levin, 2021, Differential Kinematics of Spherical 4R Four-bar Linkages.
  5. Quinn Bucciol, 2021, Generating More Than One Function with a Single Planar Four-bar Linkage.
  6. Atena Iraei, 2021, Differential Kinematics of Planar Four-bar Linkages Using the Algebraic IO Equation.
  7. Alia Nichol, 2021, Velocity and Acceleration Ratio Extrema of Planar Four-bar Linkages Using the Algebraic IO Equation.
  8. Mohammad Almalak, 2021, Tensegrity-based Double Tetrahedron Cable-actuated Motion Platform.
  9. Senah Qwai, 2020-2021, Exploring Trends in Psychological and Social Barriers to Success in Online Learning for Undergraduate Engineering Students Split Along Biological Sex Lines.
  10. Alia Nichol, 2020-2021, Kinematic Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanical Systems.
  11. Fyriale Bolo, 2017, Sternal Wire Torque Wrench Design and Analysis.
  12. Owen Roberts, 2010, Algebraic Screw Pair Prototype.
  13. Craig Clanachan, 2009, The Contact Curve Between an Omni-wheel and a Sphere.
  14. Christine Harkness, 2008, An Optical Method for Estimating the Orientation of a Sphere.
  15. Andrew Matheson, 2008, Rotation Characteristics of an Omni-wheel.
  16. Fraser Howden, 2006, Multibody Dynamic System Force Analysis.
  17. Jordan McIntosh, 2006, Dynamic Deformation in a Reciprocating Flexible Beam.
  18. Gordon Wynn, 2006, Measuring Omni-wheel Induced Vibration and Slip.
  19. Janelle Zeeb, 2006, Motion Capture of the Tennis Serve.
  20. Andrey Zakurdaev, 2006, Temperature Induced Deformation in Mechanical Systems.
  21. Janelle Zeeb, 2005, MAAE 5507 Lecture Notes.
  22. Tabassum Aziz, 2005, Repeatability of Industrial Robots.
  23. Tabassum Aziz, 2004, Pro/E Manual for Rapid Prototyping.
  24. Umer Ahmed, 2004, Patent Application for Novel Actuation for Orientation Control.
  25. Tabassum Aziz, 2003, State-of-the-art in 3D Printers.
  26. Sean McTavish, 2003, Interactive Software-based Training Environment for Design.
  27. Marc-André Müller, 2003, Descriptive Geometry Applications to Mechanical Systems.
  28. Andrea Bajaj and Charles Boivin, 1998, Kinetics of a 3-legged Platform with Holonomic Higher Pairs.
  29. John Chan and Jonathan Shum, 1997, Kinematics of a 3-legged Platform with Holonomic Higher Pairs.

Internship-Carleton University Research Experience for Undergraduate Students (I-CUREUS)

  1. Atena Iraei, 2021, Velocity and Acceleration Ratios in Planar Four-bar Linkages.
  2. Alia Nichol, 2020-2021, Design Parameter Space of Planar RRRP Linkages.

Student as Partner Program (SaPP) Undergraduate Students

  1. Sydney M. Shelp, 2024, MAAE 3004, Dynamics of Machinery Course Pack.
  2. Senah Qwai, 2021, Exploring Trends in Psychological and Social Barriers to Success in Online Learning for Undergraduate Engineering Students Split Along Biological Sex Lines.
  3. Alia Nichol, 2020, MAAE 3004, Dynamics of Machinery: Project Development and Testing; Project Notes.

Technical Interests

  • Geometry: algebraic geometry; descriptive geometry; discrete geometry; combinatorial group theory.
  • Kinematic geometry: kinematic mapping; dual quaternions; screw theory.
  • Mathematics: Grassmannian formulations; Gröbner basis theory; abstract algebra (commutative ring, ideal, variety theory).
  • Metrology and instrumentation.
  • Industrial process automation.
  • Mechatronics.