The Capstone design project course (i.e. courses labelled MAAE4907X) is created to foster teamwork, communication, technical skill development and design work.

Steps to complete BEFORE registration:

  1. Review your audit to determine if you are eligible:

    All 2nd year requirements completed

    3.5 credits from 3rd year requirements completed

    Basic Science Elective completed

    MECH 3002 completed


    All 2nd year requirements completed

    3.5 credits from 3rd year requirements completed

    Basic Science Elective completed

    AERO 3002 completed


    All 2nd year requirements completed

    3.5 credits from 3rd year requirements completed

    Basic Science Elective completed

    AERO 3841 completed


    All 2nd year requirements completed

    3.5 credits from 3rd year requirements completed

    BIOL 1103, MAAE 3202 and MECH 3710 completed


    All 2nd year requirements completed

    3.5 credits from 3rd year requirements completed

    Basic Science Elective completed

If not eligible and you would like to speak with the undergraduate advisor email to book an appointment.

2. If eligible, submit your project preference based on the project descriptions below. Contact the lead engineers if you have have any specific questions.

  • MAAE 4907 Fourth Year Capstone Engineering Design Project Selection will OPEN May 2025. Specific date TBD.

3. Project assignments will be made by the capstone coordinator for all those who have submitted their selections by June 1. Your audit will then be reviewed and if you are eligible, you will receive an email indicating which project you have been assigned to within 2 weeks.

If you have not submitted your selection before June 1 some projects may be full and they will be removed from the selection list. Project selections submitted after June 1 will be reviewed again on July 1 and August 1.

4. Once you have received your project assignment, you will be asked to provide proof of completion of both of these safety training courses (found on Brightspace using the Discover feature) to our admin assistant, Noreen Chalmers. Please do not submit proof until you have been assigned to a project.

  • WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System)
  • FED Student Health and Safety Awareness

5. Once reviewed, you will receive an auto email from Carleton’s registration system informing you that departmental permission has been granted for the course.

Don’t forget to REGISTER.

Your general questions may be directed towards the Capstone Coordinator, Prof. Steve Ulrich, or towards Noreen Chalmers

25-26 Projects

MAAE 4907 A
Advanced Aircraft Design (AAD)
Project Manager:  Prof. J. Laliberté
MAAE 4907 G

Assisted Autonomous Vehicle (AAV)

Project Manager: Prof. X. Huang

MAAE 4907 I
Automated Biomed Lab Equipment (ABLE)
Project Manager:  Prof. A. Speirs
MAAE 4907 U

Autonomous Mobile Robot for Agriculture (AMRA)
Project Manager: Prof. M. Biglarbegian

MAAE 4907 Q
Autonomous Spacecraft Robotics (DOT)
Project Manager:  Prof. S. Ulrich
MAAE 4907 C
Blended Wing Body (UAV)
Project Manager: Prof. M. El Sayed
MAAE 4907 K

CSP Capstone Project

Project Manager: Prof. J. Duquette

MAAE 4907 F

CU Blended Wing Body Gas Turbine Engine (CUB-GT)
Project Manager: Prof. H. Saari

MAAE 4907 D
FSAE Formula Hybrid Car – Ravens Racing (FSAE)
Project Manager:  Prof. E. Cyr
MAAE 4907 V

Lunar Culture – Hydroponic Farming on the Moon (LCU)

Project Manager: Prof. H. Frei

MAAE 4907 N

Micro Flapping-Wing Flyer (MFWF)

Project Manager: Prof. F. Khouli

MAAE 4907 M
Sustainable Energy Systems Portfolio (SESP)
Project Manager:  Prof. A. Abdulla
MAAE 4907 S
Whale Achoo and Gesundheit
Project Manager: Prof. R. Irani

The MAE Capstone Project-Marking Guidelines are provided to Lead Engineers and students involved in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Capstone Design Projects as guidance to carry out and interpret performance evaluations on the projects.

To apply for a small project with a team of 4-8 students, a MAE faculty member must be found and subsequently, a proposal must be prepared and submitted to the capstone committee no later than December 15, 2025. The proposal shall include objectives, scope of work, stream/specialization of the students involved, space requirement, environment/safety, and budget consideration (external support committed as there is no department funding provided). The proposal will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Will a P.Eng. lead the project?
  • Will the project have a design focus?
  • Will the project allow an open-ended philosophy in the early stage of the project?
  • Will it expose the students to a large group setting? (In this regard, it is important to discuss with other project managers to seek an opportunity to participate in their group meetings)
  • Is there a budget requirement? If so, was the funding secured?
  • Will the project evolve into a large Capstone project? In what time frame?
  • Other considerations.

The date of submission must be observed to avoid redundant registrations.

You may also contact the department via the MAE Contact Form.