Welcome New Systems and Computer Engineering Graduate Students!

On this page, you will find information on how the programs work, how to get academic support, course selection, conditions, registration, regulations, and more.

Preparing for Registration and Attendance

See the below resources regarding conditions, study permits, registration, and fee payment:

Outstanding Conditions

Fall Deadline: August 15
Winter Deadline: December 15

If you have met all of the conditions outlined in your offer of admission you are ready to start the registration process. To confirm whether your conditions have been cleared please review your application account to see if a new condition-free letter has been uploaded.

If you have not met all of your conditions yet you will not be able to register and pay your fees until you have satisfied them, as outlined in your offer of admission. Please see below for more details on how to satisfy your conditions.

Satisfying Conditions in your Offer of Admission

Please refer to the relevant condition details as per your offer of admission.


Please request that your degree awarding institution send your official post-secondary transcripts directly to Graduate Studies:

Graduate Admissions
Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs
Room 512, Tory Building, Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, ON KIS 5B6

English Language Condition

If your offer of admission includes an English Language condition you will need to satisfy this requirement prior to registration.

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Study Permits and Traveling to Canada

Fall Deadline: August 15
Winter Deadline: December 15

If you have any questions or concerns about your study permit, permit processing delays, or questions about traveling to Canada, please get in touch with the International Student Services Office (ISSO): https://carleton.ca/isso/contact-us/.

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Arrival and Document Delays

New students who are anticipating delays in obtaining documents or in their arrival plans may want to consider requesting that their admission be deferred to another term.

Deferral Request Form

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Course Planning

Review Important Dates and Deadlines

Program Requirement Review

Course Inventory

The list of currently offered courses is available via the Public Class Schedule.

Students are allowed to take courses not listed in the course inventory of their program (for example, for either the ECE or BME programs), as long as pre-approval is obtained first. Find more information on this here: Courses Extra to Degree.

Students also have the option to audit courses, as outlined in the Graduate Calendar, section 7.7.

Auditing courses

Graduate students are allowed to audit up to 1.0 credit of courses for the entirety of their degree as per graduate regulation 7.7. To audit a course, begin by registering in the course. Then, approach the course instructor to request permission to audit the course, and have them sign the request for permission to audit a course form. Once completed, submit the form to the Graduate Studies office.

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Fall Registration: Beings July 9-12, 2024 (time-ticket based priority registration). Non-ticketed registration follows until September 17, 2024. 

Winter Registration: runs July to January 17, 2025.

Mark your calendars! Fall 2024 term classes begin September 4, 2024 and Winter 2025 term classes begin on January 8, 2025. Please note that all students are required to be in-attendance for the first week of classes.

To be eligible to register and attend, you must first meet your conditions and if applicable, submit a proof of study permit (international students only), by August 15 (for Fall) and December 15 (for Winter). If you haven’t already reviewed this message’s condition and study permit information, please refer to the previous section.

Important: If you cannot make it for the first week of classes (due to outstanding conditions or study permit issues) please advise the department as soon as possible at sysc.gradmin@cunet.carleton.ca. .

There are 4 main steps to registration:

  1. Getting Started (includes time-ticket priority registration details): https://carleton.ca/registrar/registration/step-1/
  2. Building Your Schedule: https://carleton.ca/registrar/registration/step-2/
  3. Registering in Courses: https://carleton.ca/registrar/registration/step-3/
  4. Paying Your Fees: https://carleton.ca/registrar/registration/step-4/

Please make sure to review the Course Planning information specific to Systems and Computer Engineering Graduate students (see the previous section) for information specific to our department.

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Course Overrides and Registration Issues

When attempting to add a course, you may encounter a Registration Error. Errors typically occur when you do not meet the registration criteria set out by the department. To submit an override, please follow the instructions found here: Registration Override Request. There are three main override scenarios to consider:

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Taking Non-Departmental Courses

Important: Backdated approval will not be granted.

We encourage all students to take their courses from the approved list of courses designated for their program. Please refer to your program’s course list for more details: ECE program requirements or Biomedical program requirements.  The department will consider a limited number of non-departmental courses if they are relevant to your program of study (relevance is subject to supervisor(s) review if a MASc/PhD student, or the review of the  Graduate Advising team if you are a MEng student).

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Paying Tuition

Tuition payment is part of the registration process, and addressed in step 4 of the registration process (Paying Your Fees: https://carleton.ca/registrar/registration/step-4/).

In order to avoid late fees, you must be registered and pay your tuition fees by the posted deadline. All dates and deadlines can be found here: https://carleton.ca/studentaccounts/dates-deadlines/.

Fee calculation
For an estimate of your tuition fees please visit the Student Accounts website. Should you have any questions about your tuition fees, ancillary fees or fee issues, inquiries, or payments, please contact student accounts directly: https://carleton.ca/studentaccounts/contact-us/.

Note: your exact tuition fees are only calculated once you’ve registered for classes (Carleton Central > Registration > Student Accounts > Calculate Amount to pay).

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Funding and Financial Assistance Information

In order to receive funding, students must have a Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN), a Canadian Bank account, and be documented in Human Resources. Funding is decided at the time of admission. Please make sure to thoroughly read through the Terms and Conditions of admissions and Funding.

Additional Funding Information and Support

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Fall Orientation: September 3, 2024

There are three recommended orientations for you to attend on September 3, 2024: the Departmental Orientation, the Teaching Assistant Orientation and the Faculty of Graduate and Post-doctoral Affairs Orientation. More information about these events is forthcoming. You are strongly encouraged to attend all orientation sessions. Stay tuned!

Winter Orientation – TBD

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Teaching Assistants

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Data Science Collaborative Specialization

The Collaborative Specialization in Data Science is available for application in-program only.

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Policies, Regulations and Resources

Department Policies and Graduate Regulations

Joint Institute websites

  • The Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Biomedical Engineering: www.ocibme.ca
  • The Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Electrical and Computer Engineering: www.ociece.ca

Services and Resources

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