Web Resources

Still have your own homepage in HTML? Is your look and feel of your site outdated? Let the school or the university host your site!

Web Forms

The SCS main web server is using the ITS WordPress set up, and it allows the creation of forms. The filled forms can be emailed. If you require a form, we can set it up, and you will be emailed the filled forms. Please contact the tech staff if you’re interested.

Useful forms:

  • Graduate pre-applications
  • Honours project student information

Research Group web resources

The university is using WordPress to host its many sites on campus. You can request your own ITS WordPress site to host your Research Group.

The ITS content management system has many advantages:

  • the look and feel is set up by default; all you need to worry about is arranging your content
  • the university look changes and your site will automatically be upgraded
  • don’t need to manage any software or worry about coding
  • manage content; upload files and images via a web browser
  • ITS has good documentation and offers training
  • forms support


  • it’s a pure content management site, and you cannot code any web apps
  • you are at the mercy of the tools they provide; although the tools are adequate for most users


SCS Nextcloud has an application called Pico CMS which can create simple static web pages. We have created a simple SCS Theme that you can use for a good default look and feel.

  1. Log into Nextcloud
  2. In the top right-hand corner, choose settings
  3. On the settings, screen select Pico CMS on the left-hand side

See the Nextcloud Pico CMS documentation for more details.


Traditionally we have offered ~username web pages via our SCS Linux account. The Personal website service is still active. The school can now offer to host your homepage on Drupal, which will allow you to edit the content and upload files via the browser. Please contact the SCS Tech staff for details.

SCS Drupal

The school hosts its own content management system Drupal. Here the school can develop custom web apps to support some custom applications and services that cannot be provided by ITS.

The school runs:

Help Pages: