Senate met on November 29, 2024. Here are the highlights:

Senate Welcomes New Faculty Members

Senate ratified the appointment of three new Faculty members, for service beginning immediately:

  • Alexis Shotwell (FASS)
  • Megan Rivers-Moore (FASS)
  • Tonya Davidson (FASS)

New Chancellor Search Committee Convenes

Carleton University has initiated the search for a new Chancellor. In line with the Board of Governors’ appointment guidelines, a Search Committee has been established.

The Senate facilitated the nomination and election of faculty members and students to serve on the Search Committee, resulting in the following appointments:

  1. Student Representative (one position)
    • Jayesh Kundu (elected)
  1. Academic Staff Representatives
    • Emily Gray (Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, and Associate Dean, Sprott School of Business) (acclaimed)
    • Kevin Graham (Professor, and Chair of the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science) (acclaimed)

New Clerk of Senate Starting July 1, 2025

In a closed session, Senators voted in favor of a motion to approve Professor Richard Dansereau from the Faculty of Engineering and Design as Clerk of Senate for a 3-year term starting July 1, 2025.

Undergraduate and Graduate Major Modifications

The Senate has approved 5 major modifications to undergraduate and graduate programs, effective Fall 2025. This includes:

  • The deletion of the Graduate Diploma in Conflict Resolution and LAWS 5708
  • The Introduction of the Collaborative Specialization in Climate Change to the MA program in International Affairs
  • The deletion of the MBA concentrations in International Business, International Business Development Management and Technology Management
  • The deletion of the Mention Français in Political Science and PSCI 4909
  • The introduction of COMS 6101, 6102 & 6908 to the PHD program in Communications and the PHD in Communications with Collaborative Specialization in Political Economy

Carleton University Proposed Human Rights Policy

A draft of Carleton’s new Human Rights Policy was presented to the Senate for feedback. The purpose of this policy aims to:

  • Articulate the University’s commitment to preventing and responding to discrimination and harassment
  • Identify services and resources related to discrimination and harassment available to all members of the University community
  • Explain the complaint and reporting options, supports, and accommodations available to those who experience discrimination and/or harassment

In compliance with the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities’ “Minister’s Anti-Racism/Anti-Hate Directives,” the review of the policy is proceeding under a compressed timeline, and will be completed as of January 31, 2025.

As an institution committed to creating a climate of mutual respect and understanding, the new policy allows Carleton to more effectively address complaints of discrimination and harassment, enable accessible resolution processes, and provide support to those in need.

Members of the community are encouraged to read through Carleton’s newly proposed  Human Rights Policy and Procedures and provide feedback by December 13, 2024.

Senator Spotlight: François Brouard, DBA, FCPA, FCA

As a tenured Full Professor and a member of the Sprott team for the past 22 years, Dr. Brouard has established and currently directs the Sprott Centre for Social Enterprises (SCSE)/Centre Sprott pour les Entreprises Sociales (CSES). This research center was created to unite faculty and graduate students interested in social issues research. Dr. Brouard also co-created the Sprott Professional Accounting Research Group (PARG), a unique forum for sharing information between the accounting industry and accounting research at Sprott.

Dr. Brouard’s research program delves into the “business of comedy,” focusing on the comedy industry in Quebec. His research aims to uncover successful business strategies for comedians. He founded the Groupe de recherche sur l’industrie de l’humour (GRIH). Beyond his research and course development, Dr. Brouard serves as the Secretary of the Sprott Faculty Board, a member of the Board of Directors of Hôpital Montfort, and the Chair of the Board of Directors of Santé Montfort. Learn more about Dr. Brouard.