When it comes to a student’s undergraduate university experience, Teaching Assistants play an important role and a truly exceptional TA can have a lasting influence on students long after the final mark is submitted.

Today SLaLS celebrated the contributions of 4 outstanding TA’s at the 2015-16 SLaLS Outstanding TA Awards.  And while the awards were conferred by SLaLS Director Randall Gess and faculty members from specific courses, recipients were nominated by students themselves.

This year’s award winners were:

  • Lisa Armstrong, an MA student in ALDS who worked with both Dr. Jaffer Sheyholslami and Dr. Kristin Snoddon.
  • Sebastien Plante, a PhD candidate in Cognitive Science for his work with Dr. Mako Hirotani.
  • Matthew Falconer, a PhD student in ALDS for his work with Samantha Shortt at the Writing Tutorial Service.
  • And Michelle Bain (not pictured), a PhD candidate in ALDS for her work with Dr. Lev Blumenfeld.

The system by which TAs were nominated anonymizes submissions…but many thanks to all the students who took the time to nominate their SLaLS TA for this award!

Sebastien & Randall

Matt, Randall, and Samantha

Kristin, Lisa, Randall, and Jaffer