by Yoko Azuma Prikryl

Carleton University excelling with two of our students proceeding to the 28th National Japanese Speech Contest in British Columbia.

The 28th Regional Japanese Language Speech Contest was held at the Embassy of Japan on February 18th. Ambassador Kenjiro Monji gave the opening remarks. Seven of our students from Japanese Language courses at Carleton University participated and competed with students from Queen’s University, University of Ottawa and Ottawa Japanese Language School in three categories: Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced. The contest was very competitive with a total of 24 contestants who gave remarkable and impressive speeches in front of judges and an audience of about 90 people including participants. The speeches demonstrated how much effort and dedication the contestants put into their study. The Carleton University students succeeded in obtaining excellent results. In the advanced category, Ding Xiaolin (2nd Year, Communication & Media Studies) was the first prize winner with the title of “What is the color of your dream?” and Zayd Bille (4th Year, Software Engineering) placed second, and in the third place Dabeluchi Ndubisi (4th Year, Software Engineering). The first prize winner in the intermediate category was Ziyan Wang (2nd Year, Mass communication) with a speech entitled “Don’t you feel cold?” also from Carleton University.

The first prize winners in each category will participate the 28th National Japanese Speech Contest at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver on March 18th. Please join us to congratulate the students and wish them all the best in the competition!